Bernie: If You’re White, You Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor

Crikey, here I am, trying to recover from an illness, and there’s so much inane news to keep track of.

Like for instance, Bernie Sanders, who wants to be our first openly socialist president. Y’know what this silly ass said? If you’re white, he said, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor ( ).

Yo, Bernie–I could give you lessons, if you want ’em.

The fact is that millions of Americans of all colors know damn well what it’s like to be poor. For many of them, poverty is temporary. It’s where you start in the great Monopoly game of life. Some of us take longer to get around St. Charles Place than others, and a lot of us never get anywhere near Boardwalk and Park Place. But we don’t just remain stuck on Baltic Avenue.

But there it is–more of that race-hustling from the top. Stir up envy. Teach people that all their problems are somebody else’s fault. Teach ’em they’ll never make it without The Government wet-nursing them through life, at someone else’s expense.

Most of us have had the experience of gritting our teeth while we try to figure out some way to pay the rent and the car insurance in the same month. Or maybe we don’t even have a car. Generally, if you keep on working at it, things get better for you, by and by–regardless of the color of your skin.

We should be deeply ashamed of the people who wind up governing us.

12 comments on “Bernie: If You’re White, You Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor

  1. When I was a young girl, I remember my mom struggling to figure out how to pay all the monthly bills. She would sometimes put the gas bill payment in the envelope for the electric bill just to buy time.

    Bernie and Hillary want to give away the farm, but don’t explain who will pay for all of these freebies or how they will pay. Slave society anyone? We’re all pawns on this chessboard.

  2. Your article on NewsWithViews today was great, Lee.

    Hope you’re beginning to feel a bit better. Were you able to enjoy your porch and cigar this afternoon – and maybe some fresh fruit?

  3. As you say, Lee, many of us have known what it’s like to be poor. The difference for most of us is that we assumed we could work our way out of being poor — and the important word there is “work.” I’ve had three different careers, and in each one (including the military, by the way), I started ‘way down at the bottom of the ladder and worked my way up to genuine success. At times I even had to take on free-lance work on top of my job in order to pay the bills. I still remember how to turn a third of a pound of ground round into a whole week of tasty and nourishing meals. But I knew that there was always a way to work my way into better times, so I looked for that way and always found it.

    It’s been a good life, even the poor years, because “poor” was always a challenge, just like any other setback or obstacle — such as having to find tasty ways to make a third of a pound of ground round last a week. (Funny how that exercise in food-stretching has become a major symbol in my life.)

    1. My sword teacher once asked me how in the world I was able to manage on what was then a meager income. I answered, “Easy! You just have to make one dollar do the work of five.”

      Most of us have been there, done that. For us, poverty was temporary. You worked your way out of it. This was not considered strange. But leftid politicians and other jabberers have convinced all too many people that, if you have less than your neighbor, you’ve been robbed, it’s somebody else’s fault, and the government has to take care of it!

      Usually by dragging people down–because government has no gift for raising people up.

    2. Phoebe, you’re so right! And potatoes were about the most versatile food. My Gramma made the world’s best potato soup! Sure wish I had some today.

  4. When you wrote this article two years ago, who could have predicted things would have declined to such lows. I’d like to be able to say that Bernie is a boob or a simpleton, but that would be giving him too much credit – and an excuse. No. These people know precisely what they’re doing. Remember, it was Bernie who said only black lives matter. This is evil at work, folks.

  5. Apparently he doesn’t care, but this is certainly an insult to many, many people, including myself. How many of us have worked hard and struggled hoping just to get caught up? I’ve literally been down to my last dime on more than one occasion and can remember buying a Kraft spaghetti dinner mixe and a can of tomato paste and making it last two days. I’ve always made it through, but on more than one occasion it was only because I was willing to work through freezing temperatures.

    I’m calling BS on Bernie.

  6. Bernie is dirt-poor – he is totally bankrupt of good ideas.

    When we have to work hard for something we appreciate so much more than something that is just given to us. There was a time when the “work-ethic” used to dominate America. People wouldn’t even consider taking welfare from the government.

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