We Kneed Harder Dyvercity Traning!!!!

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Wood yiu beleave it??? We stil has peeple heer “at” Collidge thay “Thinck” Bad Thawts!!!! Thay doughnt think Rite Things “at awl” and In Facked thay think Wroong Things!!! And thay say “Wroohng Things tooo!!”! Haow “are” yiu sapoased To Has trooue Dyvercity wen peeple thay doughnt think “the” Rite Whay???

So heer “at the” Stoodint Soviet we has voated “to” maik Dyvercity Traning way harrder!!! And unlest yiu Say evry Thing yiu are sposed “to” say,, and nevvir Say “wroangh things” well too Bad foar yiu,, yiu cant Get “no” Daploamer!!!!! Yiu whil Nevvir Gradurayte!!!!!!!!!!

And wee whil Keeep “yiu heer” until Yore Mined Is Rite!!!!!!

Thare aslo whil be Punnitchmints foar “thinking” bad thawts!!! O’fenders thay whil be put in-syde a Swett Bocks on reel Hot daze and wen it “is” Coled thay whil has to sleap Out-syde whith-Out “a” Blankit!!!!!

And it is awl jist “like” Chare-Man Maow he onct sayed,, “we” are “doingthis” to Bad Peeple to Maik themb Gooud!!!!!!!!!!

And doughnt evvin think “Of” Traying “to” Excape!!!!! We whil has whach Tawers and meen Dawgs to Stopp yiu!!!

4 comments on “We Kneed Harder Dyvercity Traning!!!!

  1. Never mind bad thoughts vs. good thoughts. I’m surprised they allow any thoughts at all. The truly woke operate only on emotions and appetites.

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