‘Luke 10–Mary and Martha’ (Christian Blogger)

I think we can all feel for Martha, in Luke 10–doing all the work of preparing a dinner while her sister, Mary, just sits down and listens to Jesus.

Luke 10- Mary and Martha

But regardless of what else is going on, it’s terribly important to make time to hear the Lord. Jesus’ rebuke of Martha was gentle and loving–yes, He really loved this friend–but very much to the point.

We have this from the Unashamed of Jesus blog. Christian bloggers, I feel strongly, have to help each other to spread the word.

One comment on “‘Luke 10–Mary and Martha’ (Christian Blogger)”

  1. Every time I read this portion of Scripture or think about it, I am reminded of the last church I attended and how there were frequent shared meals for after church lunches. I began to be concerned about the fact that the women always missed the worship time, the pastor’s message and the prayer time because they were downstairs working and cooking. This just does not seem right to me. The Word of God is what we should be fed on, not food for the body. I would rather fast than miss the sermon.

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