Will the Colleges Defund Themselves?

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Since the “pandemic” launched in 2020, college enrollment in America has decreased by 4.1%–a drop of some 1.4 million students (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/college-enrollment-drops-1-4m-students-threatening-stability-of-higher-education).

Oh! So many students aren’t showing up, it “threatens the long-term stability of higher education”! Not a dry eye in the house.

The decline in enrollment stretches from sea to shining sea, with community colleges hardest hit but both public and private four-year-colleges have seen their student numbers go down in these last two years–an overall decrease of 9.4% since 2020.

Ooh, dem’s bad numbers!

There is, however, a “lone outlier.” Just one kind of college where the enrollment is going up, not down. Most of these colleges, in fact, have experienced record growth.

Yep–“conservative religious colleges.” Why is that so totally unsurprising?

America’s education system has become actively hostile to America and needs to be torn down and replaced from top to bottom.

Although if you like paying $50,000 a year for your kid to major in Intersectional Feminist Fandango Studies, well, then, the looniversity is certainly for you.

I wonder if King COVID taught a lot of people that they can get by without college.

3 comments on “Will the Colleges Defund Themselves?

  1. Think of it like this; when everyone has something, that value of that something will be low. You don’t put the fact that you have a driver’s license on your resume, because pretty much everyone has a driver’s license. Right now, four year degrees are meaningless in many fields, so you need, at least, a master’s in order to stand out. But, ultimately, that’s just a temporary solution, because even doctorates are becoming common.

    Not long ago, I was talking to a fellow whose wife had a master’s, but has apparently never made so much as one cent in her field. He’s a working stiff, paying off student loans which are not yielding any returns … and in this case, likely never will. His wife is under the impression that the clouds will part, and big money opportunities will come her way. In the meantime, she’s a stay at home mom, with a huge debt.

    If it weren’t so serious, it would be hilarious. Imagine buying a Lexus, and then refusing to drive it. Well, this is the same thing. A master’s costs a lot of money, probably on par with a pretty nice new car. The problem is, unless that degree pays you back, it becomes the ultimate luxury purchase.

    I love cars, and I have wanted a Mercedes roadster since I was old enough to take notice of them. But, live in the country and driving less than 10,000 miles per year, a Mercedes roadster would be a very frivolous purchase. Taking out a loan for such a purchase would be a very poor idea, indeed.

    Likewise, there are any number of engineering degrees that I would love to have, but to what end? I already have a career and make a decent living. My skills are transferable, should I ever need to make a move, but for the time being, I don’t foresee that need arising. If I showed up with a master’s in electrical engineering,it wouldn’t make me any more valuable in my current role, so it would amount to a status symbol. Not to mention all the time I’d have to spend on obtaining the the degree, which would only take away from the attention my current profession deserves. It would make just about the same amount of sense as parking a new Mercedes roadster in my driveway, so that it could bake in the sun and be driven only on rare occasions.

    So back to the fellow I was talking about earlier. At some point, a decision was made to pursue a bachelor’s degree, but that bachelor’s never earned one thin dime. Then, the decision was taken to proceed to a master’s. There was a lot of optimism involved in these decisions. They would have been money ahead, if she had gotten a job at McDonalds and applied herself, diligently. At the very least, there would have been some modest wages, and even more important, no student loan debt. Had she proven a reliable employee, it’s entirely possible that she could have worked her way into management, and would have made more money.

    This course would not bring much prestige, but I’d rather have freedom from debt, than prestige, any day of the week. Over and over, in my life, I have seen the quiet person that takes life day-by-day and just keeps slogging, will end up better off in the long run.

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