‘Texas: Machines Flip Trump Votes to Clinton’ (2016)

All that cheating, and she still lost.

Last year’s presidential election does not stand alone in its corruption. The one four years before it was pretty dirty, too.

And we had a hoo-hah over the voting machines! We had four years to get that problem fixed; and we didn’t.

Texas: Machines Flip Trump Votes to Clinton

“Election officials” (LOL) attributed the complaints to “voter error,” nothin’ wrong here, toldja we shouldn’t let those peasants vote. They only screw it up!

Even with all that cheating, Hillary Clinton lost. Lost big. They really should have tried to find someone a little less odious.

Meanwhile, if we don’t fix the corruption that’s set into our electoral process, 2022 will be another travesty.

In Case You’re Wondering…

In case you’re wondering why I haven’t written about the fun and games on Capitol Hill today, and the Senate elections in Georgia–well, you don’t really need me for that, do you? The nooze is all over the place today.

Our country is the victim of an unprecedented crime, the theft of a national election by means of massive fraud–and we don’t know what to do about it. We’ve never before faced a crisis quite like this. All we know now is that the villains can never be voted out again: they’ve learned how to rig elections. Consequently, every election from now on will have a cloud of suspicion over it.

Democrats don’t care. They’ve got voting machines that reliably give them manufactured consent. They no longer need any public support for their agenda. Checks and balances? Kiss ’em goodbye. There will be no more checks and balances. Dominion Systems has given them… dominion. Consent of the governed has become unnecessary, replaced by manufactured consent. By fraud.

We don’t know what to do. We don’t know how to take our country back. Elections don’t matter anymore.

O Lord our God! For whom all things are possible, for whom nothing is too hard. Even at this late hour, Lord, we plead with you to save us. Hear our prayers and fight for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.