The Hate Group that All the Colleges Love

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Once upon a time, this would have been unthinkable in America–forcing people to sign a “pledge” endorsing a political doctrine that they don’t believe in. As in “Sign it or else!”

Thanks to our America-hating educational system, it’s unthinkable no more.

All over the country, colleges and universities are forcing students and staff to sign pledges of support for the “Black Lives Matter” movement, a violent Marxist revolutionary group ( Some 150 law schools have told the American Bar Assn. that you shouldn’t be able to practice law until after you’ve completed “antiracist training.”

Wait! Stop! Hold it right there!

By requiring Americans to “take a stand against racism,” the Far Left turns it into a given that America is a racist society. They no longer have to prove it: it just is. They no longer have to win the argument. “Given that America is this evil racist society, what has to be changed about it?” This is an illegitimate and totally dishonest question.

It is not a racist country. And we are damned fools for allowing ourselves to be cowed by a bunch of commies, and not sticking up for our country–and meanwhile half the world is willing to do just about anything they can to come to this racist hell-hole… gimme a break.

These colleges and universities are actively undermining America, and using America’s hard-earned money to do it, and it flaming well has to stop. Or are we just going to wait until they tear down our republic and turn us into Venezuela North?

Take away the money! No more money for these wretched people! Stop the funding!

Before they stop our country.