Have We Learned Anything at All?

The Ethics of Globalism, Nationalism, and Patriotism – Brewminate

One of my greatest fears concerning the coronavirus crisis is that we, as a nation, won’t learn a blessed thing from the experience. I fear we’ll return to our follies, picking up right where we left off. God forbid.

Are we so stupid, so wooden-headed, as to go straight back to globalism, out-sourcing our manufacturing, trusting China, trusting the United Nations, and here at home inventing new “genders,” hyper-urbanization (a la Agenda 21), Drag Queen Story Hour, playing footsie with socialism, and pushing such wicked, republic-destroying follies as vote-by-mail, prosecuting Climate Change denial, and allowing the Deep State to run amok? I might say more, but this list is long enough already.

Have we missed the point of so many gaudy displays of tyrannical overreach by mayors and governors and city councils, have we failed to understand that now that they’ve had a taste of it, they’ll be hungry for more? They keep talking about “a new normal.” God defend us from whatever they conceive as “normal”!

I pray in Jesus’ name that America–and other countries, too–will come out of this trial better and wiser than we were, going in. Amen.