‘Some Puzzling Facts’ (2016)

Image result for images of the edsel"

I’m still mystified as to why no one liked the Edsel.

I would like to open this discussion to everyone: what are some of the things that really puzzle you?

Some Puzzling Facts

Like, how come the more a politician preaches socialism and “equality,” the more fabulously wealthy he is? Did socialism make him rich?

Or, whenever any product is pitched to us as “New! Improved!”, how come it’s never as good as it used to be?

But you can think of as many of these as I can.

Some Puzzling Facts

Image result for images of puzzled and confused child

Here are a few things that really puzzle me.

*I know two places where you can buy pigs’ ears. One is a pet store. The other, believe it or not, is a restaurant. I wonder if they also serve Fancy Feast.

*The people who make the most noise about carbon footprints and income inequality are all fabulously wealthy and travel in enormously polluting private jets.

*Atheists profess to be against all religion in general, but are only rude to Christians. They shut down our Christmas parade, but they wouldn’t dream of saying a word against the annual Hindu festival a few miles down the road.

*In a game of chess, when you are able to move either the one rook or the other, why do you always move the wrong one?

*Why does it always make it rain if you hang clothes out to dry?

Explanations, anyone?