Running Scared… and Erasing History

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Not allowed to see it anymore

Notre Dame has decided to cover over its “problematic” (to leftids) murals depicting Christopher Columbus discovering the New World (–originally created, 134 years ago, to celebrate Catholic immigration to America at a time when much of the population was hostile to Catholics.

“Native American students” and Far Left faculty members complained that the murals were an example of “Western triumphalism” and the equivalent of “a Confederate monument.” That’s another part of our history we’re not allowed to know about anymore.

Could it be that the university authorities did this because they’re terrified of social media trolls fanatically attacking them and calling them racists and haters and biggits, and scaring off potential donors?

Hey! What about Far Left triumphalism? You know–the kind that makes us deny our history and agree that everything that ever happened here, before they came along, was dark and evil. The kind that colleges and corporations always knuckle under to. Oh–that brand of triumphalism is okay?

If the discovery and, yes, European conquest of the Americas was a totally bad thing, the time to address it was, like, 500 years ago. It’s a little late to demand that everybody go back to the Old Country. We have to make the best of what we have today.

Which we can’t do, with the Far Left Crazy calling all the shots.

Which we can’t do for as long as we keep surrendering to these chip-on-the-shoulder artists.

I’m glad my ancestors came over here from France and Germany, and I’m not about to go back. And whether you like him or not, Columbus did land here in 1492 when all the smart money said he couldn’t–and only cowards erase their own history.