The Truth Is Not in Them

Do Atheists Simply Repress Their Knowledge of God? : Strange Notions

Here it is, only halfway through the morning, and I’ve already learned two new things!

One. There’s no such thing as organized pedophilia, or pedophile rings. Why, that’s just a cwazy wepublican conspiracy theory! And to say that President Trump is an intelligent man who’s trying to stop worldwide sex trafficking–well, that’s just crazy, too. Dammit! The social media shoulda started censoring all this stuff years ago, before it got so big. Maybe they were too busy trying to stamp out Climbit Change Denial.

Two. There is no “liberal fascism” anywhere, and certainly, certainly not in college! Our universities are temples of free speech. (Good grief–there are people who actually believe that?) They never, never, never punish students for taking a dissenting view of anything! And so what if some 90% of the teaching staff is left-wing? So is all the rest of America! Really! People just aren’t conservatives!

Which leads me to another blog post altogether…

3 comments on “The Truth Is Not in Them

  1. Those true facts rank right up there with the true fact that there’s no leftist bias in the media or Hollywood. And the true fact that Andrew Cuomo is a model of how to save the country from Wuhan death. (It must be true, because he’s just written a book proving it.)

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