The Truth Is Not in Them

Do Atheists Simply Repress Their Knowledge of God? : Strange Notions

Here it is, only halfway through the morning, and I’ve already learned two new things!

One. There’s no such thing as organized pedophilia, or pedophile rings. Why, that’s just a cwazy wepublican conspiracy theory! And to say that President Trump is an intelligent man who’s trying to stop worldwide sex trafficking–well, that’s just crazy, too. Dammit! The social media shoulda started censoring all this stuff years ago, before it got so big. Maybe they were too busy trying to stamp out Climbit Change Denial.

Two. There is no “liberal fascism” anywhere, and certainly, certainly not in college! Our universities are temples of free speech. (Good grief–there are people who actually believe that?) They never, never, never punish students for taking a dissenting view of anything! And so what if some 90% of the teaching staff is left-wing? So is all the rest of America! Really! People just aren’t conservatives!

Which leads me to another blog post altogether…

Dem Big Wheel Convicted of Human Trafficking

See the source image

He coulda been a judge…

Texas Democrat mover and shaker, lawyer Mark Benevides, who was almost elected to a judgeship in 2014, has been convicted of six counts of human trafficking and could be sent to prison for up to 99 years (

Somewhat less cleverly than some of his criminal clients, Benevides made and kept videos of himself practicing his little tricks on defenseless young women. Investigators found the videos, a couple hundred of them, and showed them in court. One of the jurors fainted. Hint to aspiring criminal masterminds: don’t record your crimes on video discs and keep the discs around your house where cops will find them.

It seems Mr. Benevides used to accept sex as payment for his legal services, sometimes with the client, sometimes with women provided by a client. Sometimes he liked to torture them.

Now, just imagine what we’d be hearing from CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and all the rest of the nooze media if this sexual predator had been a Republican instead of a Democrat. Instead of the silence, they’d be screaming from the housetops about “the Republican Party culture of sex trafficking” and signing up talking heads to nod sagely and speculate as to what percentage of Republicans gets involved with sex slaves. Oh–and it’ll be Donald Trump’s fault.

Hello, nooze media! How come you’re not covering this story? Huh? ‘Cause the perp was one of the Democrats’ up-and-coming stars, back in the Obama era? Well, he certainly had all the qualifications for it. Haven’t heard anything from #MeToo, either.

Go ahead, anybody, just try it: try to name a single perversion not fostered, promoted, and “celebrated” by the Democrat Party. You know you can’t.