‘Science and Magic’ (Rushdoony, 1996)

A Tribute to R. J. Rushdoony

Our culture was already in trouble when R.J. Rushdoony wrote this essay in 1996. It has not gotten better since.


One thing has changed, though, that wasn’t so glaringly apparent in 1996:

Science nowadays is heavily politicized–almost to the point where it isn’t “science” at all. Can you say “Climate Change scam”? Transgender movement? “Vaccines” that don’t work but earn a lot of money? “Green energy” that costs a nearly infinite amount of public money but doesn’t work? I mean, just for starters…

That’s all what happens with “science” and politics wind up in bed together. They corrupt each other–and they weren’t exactly squeaky-clean to start with.

Rushdoony believe that Christians have to work to build a Christian culture. Like humanists labor unceasingly to build a Godless humanist culture. They work at it. We haven’t. And it shows.

2 comments on “‘Science and Magic’ (Rushdoony, 1996)

  1. An interesting read, and it seems spot on. The initial question of Eden revolves around the knowledge of good and bad. By ordering the first couple to not partake of that one tree, a boundary was set. Our morality is subject to our Maker. If our Maker was cruel and corrupt, we would have something to complain about, but He isn’t. We have incredible freedom, and a handful of restraining principles.

    For example, property rights are a principle. God understands the value of a person’s land, and a person’s possessions. His laws protect that, even to the point that the inhabitants of Canaan were not removed from their land, until their iniquity reached the point where their removal was justified. This is in utter contrast to the despots of history, whom have separated people from their possessions without remorse.

    That’s one simple example, but as we can see around us, people seem to be willing to give over their freedoms to other humans, so long as they are not responsible to God. I believe that this matter is coming to a head.

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