‘California Free Speech-Killing Bill: On Hold for Now’ (2018)

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“And suddenly it hit me! If you can go to jail just for being wrong, I’d be the only one left outside…”

Remember this? California was going to make “fake news” against the law! Yup, a felony, punishable by prison time. No more “misinformation” allowed! It would have also been against the law to be wrong. Good thing that never happens to 100% Democrat lamestream nooze!

California Free Speech Killing Bill: On Hold for Now

Of course, they, the government, would decide what was true and what was “misinformation.” They were especially interested in stamping out “vaccine skepticism”–two years before anybody heard of COVID.

But then a funny thing happened. Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown vetoed the legislation, saying it was “not necessary.” Musta been too Far Left even more him. Who would’ve ever believed that was possible?

California Free Speech Killing Bill: On Hold for Now

Image result for images of burning Constitution

Freedom and dignity are not natural to the inhabitants of a fallen world burdened with Original Sin. The California State Senate keeps trying to prove it.

Hence Senate Bill 1424, introduced by Stalinist wannabe Richard Pan, a bill to make “fake news” or “false information” published anywhere on the Internet a crime, punishable by imprisonment: you could go to jail for “questioning science” and voicing doubt about vaccines, Climbit Change, whatever (https://www.naturalhealth365.com/vaccines-fake-news-2536.html). You could even be jailed for questioning the dogma of Evolution.

After the details of this monstrosity were reported last month, raising a rather loud public outcry against it, the senate has rushed through several major amendments, the overall effect of which will be to “study” it all and kick it down the road to sometime next year. Wait till the heat dies down, then try again.

This bill was a beauty. Every Internet site–I guess that would include blogs, like this one–would be required to “verify” all news stories–the term “news story” is left undefined–before publication. Then, if designated “fact checkers” find any “false information,” up the river you go. No distinction is made between, say, maliciously fabricated mischief or an honest mistake. And we can only guess who would get to be the fact checkers. Oh–and who gets to decide what the “facts” are? Nancy Pelosi? Michael Moore?

This is a remarkable production by people whose academic position is that there is no such thing as truth, there are no facts, there are only psychological or social “constructs”–like your sex, for instance: which they insist is whatever you say it is from moment to moment–who yammer endlessly about “your truth” and “my truth,” only somehow their truth always wins and you get packed off to sensitivity training if you don’t agree–

But what are we thinking? Now they want to pack you off to jail.

How did our country’s political class ever produce such a pack of totalitarians as these?

It’s enough to give fascism a bad name.