How Dumb Can You Get?

Not since some academic wing-wong chastised David Attenborough for not showing homosexual animals in his nature documentaries have we seen anything so asinine as the Jan. 3 column in Rolling Stone by one Jesse Myerson, “5 Economic Goals Millenials Should Be Supporting,” or some such tripe.

I want to spend some time on this because it clearly shows just how much trouble we’re in, that anyone could be paid good money for cranking out such balderdash, or that an established magazine would publish it.

Today let’s look at “1. Guaranteed Work for Everybody,” which displays the vacuum existing inside Myerson’s cranium. This well-paid commentator understands nothing, knows nothing. Certainly he has no idea of the purpose of work, no conception of how wealth is created. But he’s writing for Rolling Stone and you’re not.

Myerson says there ought to be “a public-sector job guarantee.” I wonder if that would come with the kind of pensions that usually accompany public sector jobs. How would that be paid for? He doesn’t entertain the question. He’s probably not capable of asking it.

What kinds of jobs would these guaranteed jobs be? Moving sand piles? Digging and filling in holes? Would you get to pick the kind of job you want, or would the government choose it for you?

Myerson actually suggests these otherwise workless people be given publicly subsidized jobs like “painting murals–” yes, he really says that–“rather than telemarketing or whatever other stupid tasks bosses need done to supplement their millions.”

Could anything be more ignorant? Could anything be more juvenile? And this is just one of five trophies of stupidity displayed by Mr. Myerson: I don’t have space for the others.

Look, folks: I don’t know about you, but the thought that public opinion in America is actually influenced by dunderheads like Mr. Myerson is a profoundly scary one. This truly is the blind leading the blind; and it cannot possibly turn out well for us.

As The Blob Consumes Our Civilization…

You remember the old horror movie, with young Steve McQueen, about a shapeless blob-monster from outer space that devours everything in its path. It may be stale science fiction, but it’s a great metaphor to describe what’s happening to our country.

America is being swallowed up by a shapeless blob of idiocy.

Stop, look, listen. Limousine liberals yap about “Income Inequality” at $30,000-a-plate dinners. From his luxurious vacation hideaway in Hawaii, paid for by you and me, the Occupant of the White House chides Congress for taking vacations. Rolling Stone runs an editorial calling for abolition of private property ownership, “guaranteed jobs” for everyone, and a guaranteed income. Only “hard, old-fashioned communism” can save America, prattles an MSNBC talking head. And while the deep freeze settles in all over the country, Al Sharpton pops up on TV, dressed as Dr. Morgus (the old horror-movie host) in his mad scientist’s lab, to beat the drum for Global Warming.

I am convinced that a republic of nitwits cannot survive. I am even more convinced that a republic of puffed-up, God-hating, filth-loving, boring nitwits can’t survive–especially when they insist on being governed by even bigger nitwits.

Was Troy like this, the night the Greeks burned it down? Was this what made the Mayans abandon their cities to the jungle? Is this why the Indus Valley Civilization died without leaving behind a single word of its language, or the name of even a single person who lived in it, out of millions?

Betcha it was. I betcha it was.

P.S.–You may have noticed there are no more instant links to this or that topic mentioned in these posts. That’s WordPress’s doing, not mine. Ask them about it.

Mom Jailed for Letting Kids Play

A mother in Dallas spent a night in jail because a busybody neighbor called the cops on her for allowing her children to play without adult supervision ( ).

The charges were dropped because the woman was actually there all the time, but the neighbor didn’t see her.

Allow your children to play like human children, instead of prison inmates, and get arrested and thrown in jail–just as if you’d robbed a liquor store, or burned down your neighbor’s garage.

Do we really want our municipal governments to treat us like this? Do we really want our children NEVER to have any experience at all in making their own decisions–which is what kids do all the time, in “unsupervised play”? What kind of adults are they going to grow up to be, if they’ve never had a chance to use their own initiative?

Good little Democrats, most likely.

Meanwhile…Hey, Texas, wake up! Wake up now, or you’re going to wake up someday to find that your sweet red Texas has turned just as blue as darkest Massachusetts.

Take some time off bragging, and open your eyes. Your schools are run by the same wild-eyed lefty teacher unions that they have in California and New York, and the above incident shows you have laws on your books that might have been written in the depths of Danbury, Connecticut.

The termites are already munching away at your foundations.

A Wee Joke on Intellectuals

So the first intellectual says to the second intellectual, “With the thoughts of my powerful brain, I create reality! I can do anything–anything!”

The second takes a flashlight out of his pocket, turns it on, and points it upward. “All right,” he says, “let’s see you shinny up the beam of my flashlight.”

But the first intellectual shakes his head and sneers, replying, “What kind of fool do you take me for? When I’m halfway up, you’ll turn out the light!”

Editor’s Note: Once upon a time, this joke was about lunatics, not intellectuals. But who can tell the difference anymore?

A Fake, Phony, Bogus Holiday

According to my Humane Society calendar, today is the first day of Kwanzaaaa–a big fat joke of a pseudo-holiday coined a few years ago by some schmendrick of a black militant, intended to be a substitute for Christmas.

Why is this fake holiday on the calendar? Because libs ‘n’ progs love to push Kwanzaaa. Because they are human debris. And because all sorts of schleps out there are afraid, terrified, that if they don’t pay homage to Kwanzaaa, people will think they’re racists.

I don’t know a single African-American person who celebrates Kwanzaaaa. This is strictly white liberal crapola. This is for noozies, teacher unions, and Democrat politicians.

I mean, really, you have to be a total blithering twollop if you buy a Kwanzaaa card or try to bake a Kwanzaaaa cake. Do something constructive: go soak your Kwanzaaaa head in a Kwanzaaa bucket.

5 Films to Flush Your Brain

If you find you ever need to flush your brain, sort of like the way you have to flush an outboard motor sometimes, here are five certifiably awful movies that just might do it for you.

1. The Manster (1959) A mad scientist in Japan injects an American journalist with stuff that makes a second head grow out of his shoulder. Unfortunately, it’s a homicidal monster head. And if that pleases you, you may want to sample…

2. The Thing with Two Heads (1972) Nasty, racist scientist Ray Milland is dying, so he needs to transplant his head onto a healthy body. Oops–he winds up on Rosey Grier‘s body, and Rosey’s head is still on it, so… well, you get the general idea.

3. The Hideous Sun Demon (1959) Radiation turns a scientist into a bloodthirsty lizard-monster. How come this sort of thing never happens to a shoe salesman or someone at the post office?

4. The Greatest Speeches of Barack Obama–hold it! That’s not supposed to be in here. Even ridiculous horror movies have some standards.

4. Twitch of the Death Nerve (1972) My friends and I saw this at the local drive-in, and it made no sense at all. A lot of those Italian slasher flicks from the 70s make no sense. The climax is the announcement of the murder of one Filippo Donati, who is not otherwise mentioned.

5. I Eat Your Skin (1964) This mad scientist/zombie movie will hose down whatever neurons are still clogging up your cranium. They save the best line for last: “So ends Dr. So-and-So’s evil plan to conquer the world with an invincible army of zombies.” That’s the first we hear of any plan!

WARNING: Do not give any of these movies as Christmas presents. You can find them all available for viewing on the Internet at no charge.

Thou Shalt Not Say This or That

One of my readers alerts me that Facebook has deleted a comment by “a fit mom” to the effect that “plus-size lingerie models” are not good role models to exalt in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

Funny, isn’t it? When the Worst Lady or Mayor Bloomberg tell us what we can or can’t eat, they get high fives from all the media for knowing what’s best for us ignorant serfs. But let one of the plebs make a similar comment, and Facebook brands it “hate speech.”

In one of the many videos taken of our country’s “Black Friday” capers, we see an immense fat woman trying on a wig while sprawled on the department store floor in the midst of the impromptu rugby scrum staged by her fellow customers. A lot of them are roly-poly, too. It’s not the kind of visual image that helps you sleep at night.

How did so many people get to be so fat? Is this the self-portrait that today’s America wants to pass on to tomorrow’s?

Like so many kids in the 1950s, the very first pet I had was a goldfish. And the very first thing they told you in the goldfish book was not to over-feed the little fellow: or he’ll just keep eating and eating until one morning he’s floating belly-up and not smelling too good.

A goldfish overeats because he’s only a fish and doesn’t know any better. But I think people are overeating to fill a hole in their spirits that cannot be filled by food or video games or any of the other goodies they’re ready to kill each other to obtain on Black Friday.

Behold–50 years of public schooling, self-esteem, entitlement, moral imbecility, and replacing God with false gods and idols has done its work only too well: a mob of fat people rolling around on the floor, fighting over things they don’t need.

The Day of the Pimp

To rally support for Obamacare, idiots in Colorado have loosed a new ad campaign exhorting women to have promiscuous sex. In the words of the Colorado Observer’s headline, “Fans of Obamacare Urge Young Women to Hook Up in Edgy Ads” ( ).

One of the ads illustrated shows a young woman ogling a young man with the caption, “OMG, he’s hot! Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control.”

OMG is shorthand for taking the Lord’s name in vain. Well, you know how some sinners think: in for a penny, in for a pound.

The idea they’re pushing here, of course, is that, thanks to Obamacare, young women are now “free” to have sex with as many different men as they please–because the government will provide them with contraceptives paid for by other people, and, if that don’t work, abortions paid for by other people. So get out there and start slutting!

Remember–the progressive/liberal/commie plan is always to estrange people from God by encouraging them to sin, and so make them totally creatures of the all-devouring State. For a deeper understanding of how it works, read up on Mau-Mau initiation rituals.