What’s Your Preferred Gender Pronoun?

Image result for gender identity buttons

Think about this, good and hard. What if World War II had to be fought today, instead of 80 years ago? Fought with troops who had to wear “gender identity buttons” and who collapsed into fetal position if someone “misgendered” them by failing to use the correct newfangled pronoun printed on the gender ID button. How long do you think we’d last?

Yup–reel smart peple at Collidge have invented a lot of brand-new pronouns to cover the proliferation of “genders” they’ve invented. New York City recognizes 31 genders. No wonder people need buttons.

So what’s your preferred pronoun for the day? Remember, if you’re “gender fluid”–that’s like lighter fluid, only it serves no useful purpose–you can be a different gender from day to day, or even minute to minute.

Here’s my gender pronoun. Listen carefully, because I’m only gonna say it once.

You can spend the rest of the morning trying to figure out how to spell it.

University’s War on Reality

You are getting educated. You are getting verrrry educated…

The Student Senate at Kansas University has voted to abolish “binary pronouns”–that is, ordinary English words like he and she, him and her–from its official Rules and Regulations document ( http://www.zerocensorship.com/t/uncensored-us-education/183725-kansas-university-student-senate-bans-his-her-calls-pronouns-a-microaggression#axzz3r6ZoRXZA ).


Because these ordinary English words constitute “microaggression” against some unspecified victim.

And what the dickens is “microaggression”?

Oh, it’s anything you say or do, no matter how innocent or innocuous, that some kollege kook might decide to take offense at, or be “hurt” by. It’s any language that is not “inclusive.”

What does “inclusive” mean?

Aw, who cares!

This is just another great institution of higher learning petulantly, childishly, making war on reality. They don’t like the fact that human beings are either male or female. They reject it! Why, there’s no end to the number of genders out there! And every cotton-pickin’ thing you say has got to include all of them, or else we’ll throw a hissy fit and key your car.

Your tuition dollars at work.

Honestly–can’t you think of any better way to spend your money?