‘Using Magic to Get Anything You Want’ (2015)

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I’m starting to lose track of the difference between magic and science. Both rely on esoteric knowledge and promise all sorts of goodies.

Still, you’d think that with the costliest and most intrusive education system ever devised by man, we could do a little better than widespread belief in “guardian angel wishing dust.”

Using Magic to Get Anything You Want

Hmm… What was that original temptation again? Something about being as gods, that was it: do this and you’ll be like God.

And if the wishing dust doesn’t work, there’s always Artificial Intelligence.

‘Guardian Angel Wishing Dust’

Picture of Guardian Angel "Wishing Dust"

What do we get from the costliest “education” system in recorded history?

Ignorance and superstition.

I stumbled over an ad for “Guardian Angel Wishing Dust”–“triple strength,” no less! Complete with customer reviews. “This is the best wishing dust! I look forward to buying more.” Good grief. How many brands of this stuff are there?

Another reviewer won at Bingo. Thank you, Wishing Dust. And another met the man of her dreams. You get up to “three magic wishes and instant miracles.” What? Nobody wished for world peace?

Do you ever suspect the schools and colleges purposely make people stupid?

It would explain a lot.