Pushback! In Mexico

Thousands of parents set fire to "Marxist" textbooks in Mexico

A few days ago, thousands of Mexican parents got together to burn “educational materials” that they said featured “Marxist indoctrination” and the usual sex sales pitch (https://civilek.info/en/2023/09/08/thousands-of-youths-set-marxist-textbooks-on-fire-in-mexico/). Objectors said they did not want “the virus of communism” to infect Mexico.

(Pssst! Hey, U.S.! Hey, Canada! This is how it’s done! You don’t have to let them turn your kids into perverted little commies.)

The materials–which have also been described as full of basic errors and misspellings, poor grammar, and sloppy thinking–come from the federal Dept. of Education. It is believed the project is the work of “a former Venezuelan government official” (guess he was taking his act on the road) who had somehow wormed his way into Mexico’s government.

Governors of several Mexican states have declared that they will not allow these materials to be distributed in their states. And there is a petition against these materials that has been signed by 112,000 citizens so far.

It’s government’s move. Will they listen to the people, and back off; or will they just double down on transgender and communism?

I hope the world is watching this.

Idaho May Ban “Teaching Racism” in Schools

House Education Committee votes to repeal English, math and science  standards - East Idaho News

Idaho’s House Education Committee has proposed a bill to ban “racist filth” from being taught in the state’s public schools (https://www.bigcountrynewsconnection.com/idaho/bill-would-prohibit-students-from-learning-about-racism-and-sexism/article_e17ac3b6-e2f0-5061-8732-d99661994c7d.html). Schools that teach it anyway would, for starters, lose 10% of their state funding.

What do they mean by “teaching racism”? Among other things, the proposed law would ban the teaching of the following:

*Your own race can make you “unconsciously racist”

*You are responsible, personally, for bad things done by other people in the past

*”Merit-based systems” are inherently racist/sexist/blah-blah

*The whole state of Idaho is racist.

I think that would qualify as “racist filth,” don’t you?

Democrats don’t, though. All the Democrats on the committee walked out to protest the discussion. They, of course, want the schools to teach such things.

Many things have to happen before this proposal is enacted into law; but you’ve got to start somewhere, and here’s as good a place as any. Idaho, we salute you.

Our public schools are used by Far Left teacher unions and “education” theorists to indoctrinate children into hating themselves and hating their country. The Democrat Party is solidly committed to this enterprise. Those campaign contributions by the teacher unions are the chief cause of this.

We believe public education is too far gone to be reformed and that the whole system ought to be scrapped. Children are better off in Christian schools or in homeschooling.

Go ahead–try to convince us that teaching self-hate and anti-Americanism is something we ought to be doing with our school tax dollars.


‘Teacher’ Reassigned for Forcing Opinions on Middle School Students

A middle school teacher in Florida has been “reassigned”–that means yanked from the classroom, but still getting paid–for giving students a quiz in which one of the multiple-choice questions listed President Donald Trump as “Republican. Real Estate businessman. Idiot.”

Do you think any teacher who called Obama an idiot would be allowed to remain anonymous? Think riots. Think hate crime charges. Think nationwide breast-beating outrage.

As icing on the cake, this quiz was administered to a class in computer applications. That’s according to a newspaper article published by GateHouse Media. The reporter probably went to journalism school: the article combines two different “teachers” in two different school districts in two different years into one rather confusing news story. Then again, it might’ve been the fault of clumsy and inept editing.

Hats off to the parent who brought this to the attention of the school principal AND posted the quiz on social media for millions of viewers to see. The embarrassment and public outcry forced the principal to do something about it. Hey, out there! More of you should be embarrassing your local school officials! It’s the only way to get them to remember who they work for.

Will this blockhead of a “teacher” get fired? Generally the only way a unionized public school teacher can actually lose his or her job is by dying. Or wearing a MAGA hat. But I’m sure the school officials did not appreciate being nationally pilloried; and they might find some way to convince the “teacher” not to do it again.