September 11: How We’ve Changed

September 11, 2001: Lest we forget

I heard Rudy Giuliani on the radio today, fielding the question, “How has our country changed since September 11, 2001?” Let me paraphrase what he said.

We didn’t have millionaire athletes kneeling during the National Anthem to show their disdain for America.

We didn’t have riots all over the country, flag-burnings, shops vandalized and looted.

We didn’t have people ranting and saying bad things about America, what a no-good lousy racist country it is.

We didn’t have the nooze bashing the president day and night, every day and every night, and spouting lie after lie after lie.

To this I might add we didn’t have an entire Democrat Party trying to bring down our republic and openly siding with violent self-proclaimed “revolutionaries.” And untold thousands of brainwashed college students and their idiot professors slurping up the commie Kool-Ade.

And we weren’t staring down the barrel of a presidential election which would, if Democrats were (God defend us!) to win it, mark the beginning of our “fundamental transformation” into a banana republic.

The bad stuff won’t just stop if we can re-elect our president; but at least we’ll have a chance to slow it down.

‘For All the Saints’

Suggestion by Susan, music by Vaughn Williams: For All the Saints.

Today is September 11. I don’t want to get involved in writing about it, because someone’s bound to come along with “It was an inside job, George Bush did it!” And all that will do is make me mad. I lost nice people in that chapter of the jihad, and I don’t take kindly to loopy conspiracy theories about it.

But here in the hymn there is comfort. Read the lyrics. Let the music do its work. Believe the Bible; be faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.