‘Emory Students Freak Out Over “Trump 2016” Scrawled on Sidewalk’ (2016)

Image result for images of trump 2016 on sidewalk

We had to suck up eight years of that socialist waste of space in the White House–and college students had nervous breakdowns in 2016 because some unknown person supported Donald Trump for president?

Emory Students Freak Out Over “Trump 2016” Scrawled on Sidewalk

If this is the product that comes out of our colleges, then those colleges need to be scrapped.

But the post from 2016 is also dear to me because it marks one of the last comments made by our sweet and wise friend, Dorothy Robbins, of California.

We remember you, Dorothy–and we miss you.

One comment on “‘Emory Students Freak Out Over “Trump 2016” Scrawled on Sidewalk’ (2016)”

  1. This is a good example of the power of Hollywood personalities and movies have on our young. These actors & directors are idolized and they make it a point every chance they get that they are in Club Left.

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