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LOST: 80 million Biden voters

LAST SEEN seeping out of Dominion voting machines

Police, private detectives, bloodhound handlers, and psychics have mobilized in a nationwide effort to find any trace of some 80 million Americans who supposedly elected China Joe president.

So far… nothing.

“We were told there were over a million Biden votes cast in our county,” said Sheriff Diogenes Smith of Atlantis County, Pennsylvania, “which was a pretty neat trick, considering we have only a little under 300,000 registered voters. But now we can’t find but a dozen or two. They had a Biden rally yesterday in some guy’s driveway and only two people came. Where did they all go?”

Noted psychic Ernest Fapp has postulated that the 80 million Biden voters never, in fact, existed.

“Trust me,” he said, “if there had really been that many of them, they would’ve left some psychic residue in spiritual space. You know–like all the litter that gets left behind wherever you have lefties ‘demonstrating.’ ”

But another psychic disagrees. “Of course they’re real!” said Islas Malvinas. “But they are not of this earth! After the election they all went back to from where they came. That’s why you can’t find them.”

So far only twelve actual American citizens have admitted voting for Biden. “One more,” said Democrat activist Allie Screwtape, “and we’ll have a coven!”

So Who Was at the Biden Rally?

What if they had a Democrat rally in Atlanta and nobody came? Oh, wait a minute–they did have a Democrat rally in Atlanta and nobody came.

Crikey, they tell us this bozo, this monkey, got 80+ million votes–and no one comes to hear him speak? A flea circus would draw a bigger crowd than this. There are more signs than people. More “journalists” than people.

You’d think they could’ve hit Soros up for some money and manufactured a cheering crowd. Was it too much trouble, to do that? Or do they really, truly think “We’ve got this, we’ve already got it, we don’t have to do anything”? After all, they have voting machines that reliably give them however many votes they need to manufacture a consent. Public support has become irrelevant to them.

This is why we’re going to win: the enemy is both stupid and so puffed up with hubris that he can’t see straight. All we have to do is not give up. Keep gathering the evidence, speaking the truth, and by all means turn off the nooze media: they’re just the organ grinders’ monkeys. There’s too much evidence to sweep under the rug, with more coming in by the hour. This presidential election was perverted, corrupted, and stolen by the Democrats. Do not give up. Do not rest until it’s overturned.

Because if it’s not, we don’t have a republic anymore.

And that’s all the nooze I’m gonna do today, or Christmas Day–so enjoy it (if that’s the word for it).