In Praise of the Completely Harmless!

Time for a sanity break–Dany Rosevear with a children’s song, Flippity-flop.

Now, why would I post a thing like this?

Because it’s harmless! Benign! Soothing! Not like the nooze.

Yes, we need to know what we’re up against; and we need to be angrier about it, too. They’re out there censoring us to kingdom come, wrecking our culture, exalting wickedness, etc., etc.

But you can’t be angry all the time. It’s not good for you.

I like to think that when you visit this little blog, you’ll find a lot more here than nooze. And it’s wonderful that we can share good and harmless things. (We have another hymn coming up, after I write Joe Collidge–who is neither harmless nor benign.) Those things remind us: God is nigh, He has not forgotten us. He challenges us, through Isaiah 50:1, “Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you?” He has not done either of those things! But, “Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.”

The messes we’re in, we’ve created ourselves. It’s why the Father had to send the Son to earth to save us.

And meanwhile, He has given us many signs that He is still here–never farther than a prayer away.

More Sweet & Benign: ‘Away with the Fairies’

Joshua is right: this is Dany Rosevear, and I’m happy that I finally know her name. Hi, Dany!

I could be covering a lot of nasty nooze stories today, but I think I’d rather have this. Away with the Fairies was inspired by a lengthy childhood illness, Dany said, during which she imagined the fairies from the garden came to visit her. Reminds me of times when I was sick and King Arthur and his knights had adventures amid the rumpled blankets on my bed.

Just trying to top off my sanity tank, folks.

Sweet & Benign: ‘One More River’

I haven’t posted this sweet and harmless kiddies’ song lately–One More River to Cross. And I wish I knew the name of this singer, but I don’t.

Heads up: we just wasted an afternoon watching a Dutch movie called The Vanishing. It was supposed to be a thriller, but it only turned out weird and unwholesome. So avoid it. Run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit.

This little song is much more edifying.

‘Say, Say, O Playmate’

Just to lighten things up a little, here’s a song my mother used to sing to me when I was a very young child. Her lyrics went like this:

I’m sorry, playmate, I cannot play with you

My dolly has the flu, whatever shall we do?

Shout down my rain barrel, slide down my cellar door

And we’ll be jolly friends forevermore!