‘Warning! Disgusting Content’ (2016)

See the source image

The Lord of the Flies would like us all to eat like flies.

Very little time can go by without leftids and “Science” trying to talk us into eating bugs. Here’s a Save The Planet mob from Scandinavia who say humans ought to eat feces, too. $45,000 prize to anyone who’s ever seen them following their own advice. (“I’ll have the **** platter, please.” “You want flies with that?”)

Warning! Disgusting Content

I suppose we should be thankful that they haven’t thought of making it a Mandate yet. All you little peasants, attention! By order of the governor, you are to eat insects, garbage, and poop! Violators will be shot!

You can’t tell me leftism isn’t satanic.

‘They Still Want You to Eat Bugs’ (2017)

Image result for images of people eating insects

After you, Michelle!

The babbling boobs on the Left are always trying to get normal people to eat bugs–although we know the last thing in the world that we’ll ever see would be Michelle Obama chowing down on a bowl of palmetto bugs.

They Still Want You to Eat Bugs

Why do they want us to eat insects?

But that’s simple! So they can laugh at us, of course. And smirk at us.

I hope that in his second term, President Trump gets us out of the U.N.

Let them eat the bugs.