The Grand Canyon of Perversion

Special Issue: Gender Revolution

(Thanks to Susan for the video clip)

[Warning: Disgusting content]

If perversion were a ditch, the material under discussion in this video would be the Grand Canyon.

I’ve been chided for being unwilling to believe that anyone could ever reach such depths of perversion. First transgenderism, then transhumanism–just a hop, skip, and jump. I mean, is this profoundly insane, or what? Become immortal by uploading your virtual self onto a computer! Your virtual self will go on and on after your body dies.

That’s like saying you live forever because you appear in someone’s home movies.

It’s easy to see the link between transgenderism and transhumanism. The one leads naturally, one might say inevitably, to the other. Both are the direct result of denying and rejecting God. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22).

And the deferential duffer who interviews this wacked-out man who pretends to be a woman is just as big a fool: they deserve each other. Joe Pyne, come back…

But no kidding, folks–this stuff has to stop. And I believe God put us on this earth, here and now, to stop it. Please, Lord, show us how! ‘Cause we haven’t figured it out yet.