Glory To God

Some days the only good news you can find is in the Bible.    –LD

They’re Gonna ‘Create a Godhead’

(Thanks to Linda for the news tip)

A former executive with Google has filed papers with the IRS preparatory to setting up “an official religion of technology… with the goal of creating a godhead” ( Meanwhile the tech wizards at WordPress can’t figure out how to make my news links link to any news.

I’m sure this subject comes up somewhere in the Bible. Lemme see now…

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands… They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.  —Psalm 115

I think there’s even a technical term for this. Now what could it be? Ooh-ooh, I know! Idol worship!

Excuse me. Batteries were running low, and had to interrupt my post to plug this laptop into the wall. I wonder what they’ll do when their godhead runs out of juice.

Can you believe it? People who are supposed to be smart, but who in fact are gibbering morons, actually propose to worship something that they create with their own hands. Not only is this foolishness; it is incredibly ancient foolishness. Ours is the most expensively and time-consumingly “educated” society in all of human history. And if that doesn’t make you laugh out loud, it ought to make you cry.

O Lord our God, please remember, when you judge our country, that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections. Amen.