Yes, They Think We’re Stupid

Parents' disconnect on critical race theory has enflamed elections

No, the parents (who pay for these schools!) don’t like it.

American parents detest “Critical Race Theory,” and well they should. It “teaches” school children that everything that’s ever been wrong with America is white people’s fault, all whites are born racists, America is a racist hell-hole, and non-whites are merely hapless victims who can’t do anything for themselves. And so parents naturally want to get it chucked out of the public schools they pay for.

Democrats, instead of listening to the people, are now denying that there’s even such a thing as CRT and that it certainly isn’t being taught in schools–even though it’s listed as “an important resource” on the official website of the Virginia Dept. of Education. They say there’s no such thing. In the words of lame-duck Gov. Ralph Northam–who posed in blackface for his college yearbook–CRT is only “a dog whistle that the Republicans are using to frighten people.” And they’ve got the Biden Justice Dept. branding parents as “domestic terrorists.”

And so, to deceive the people–whom they think are profoundly stupid–they have simply given CRT another name. Now it’s “DEI,” standing for “diversity, equity, and inclusion” ( And gee whiz, you can’t be against those! That’d be like being against “liberty, equality, and fraternity”–those cute French Revolution buzzwords that sent a lot of people to the guillotine.

This crapola has deep roots. Years ago, when I was on hall duty in a certain high school, I heard a white teacher tell his roomful of black students that “All white authority is illegitimate.” If that’s so, sunshine, what are you doing up in front of the class when you should be sitting in the back–your authority being illegitimate?

And all it is is Democrats demogoguing people to hate and fear each other based on race, so they can divide and rule. Could anything be more evil? Honk if you don’t think so.

We’ll have a big fight on our hands, normal people against Far Left teachers’ unions and wacky “educators,” to get this evil nonsense thrown out of our schools. They will not listen to us. They have no respect for us.

The only meaningful and effective recourse we have is to pull our children out of public schools and either school them ourselves at home or send them to Christian schools–not all of which are as advertised.

Let them demogogue to empty classrooms… and see how long that lasts.

Can You Believe He Said This?

Will he take Virginia to the Second Level?

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam–who got in trouble for advocating abortion after the baby is actually born: also known as premeditated murder–and then got in more trouble when somebody leaked his med school yearbook showing him done up in blackface–has vowed to remain in office because… because… “Virginia needs someone who can heal… who has a moral compass” (

And that would be me, you peasants! I’m a doctor, remember? I can heal immorality! Just forget I ever said any of that stuff about killing babies as they’re being born, or even after they’re born. Hey, if you can heal a hangnail, you can heal anything! And as for providing the whole cotton-pickin’ state with a moral compass–well, that’s me, too! That’s me all over!

He also said, and here we quote verbatim, that he is going to “take Virginia to the next level.”

Next level of what? This is not a reassuring statement. It sounds like a  bit of dialogue from Zardoz.

Watch this carefully, folks. We are about to see a high-profile Democrat office-holder skate right over infanticide and racism, with no ill effects beyond a little mandatory groveling.

Now try to imagine any Republican office-holder surviving these scandals.

A Slippery, Groveling Worm

See the source image

“Oh, that’s somebody else on my yearbook page!”

You gotta hand it to Democrats. Especially to Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who has begun to rival Houdini as an escape artist.

Just last week, he tried to push through a late-term abortion law that would allow you to womens-health a baby as it’s being born. Well, the country didn’t like that–a very big stink was raised. Seems infanticide has not yet gained widespread public acceptance.

Suddenly that’s all gone. Nobody’s talking about it anymore.

Because on the heels of this public relations disaster came another: someone leaked a picture of Northam from his 1984 medical school yearbook showing him, in blackface, hanging out with someone in a Ku Klux Klan outfit. Uh-oh: looks like the governor might be a racist! Hey, whatever happened to “It wasn’t me” in that picture? Never mind!

Now he’s gotta get out from under that; so yesterday he appeared on “CBS This Morning” to grovel for the camera and confess, “I was born in white privilege.” (  The rest of the sentence, unspoken, goes, “which incidentally is something all you poor patzers out there are going to be punished for and blamed for everything that’s ever gone wrong in this country.” He didn’t have to say it; it’s already been said by every liberal in America.

See, now he understands why it’s wrong for a white man to appear in blackface, he never know that before but now he gets it. More groveling. “I’m still learning,” he said. Sort of like one of those self-criticism orgies during Mao Tse-tung’s Great Cultural Revolution. And lo and behold! Now Democrats want to let bygones be bygones, forgive and forget–and just imagine what we’d be hearing if the baby-bushwhacker were a Republican. Think the nooze media would want to forgive a Republican?

By cracky, he’s gonna wiggle out of it! No resignation. No riots. We haven’t even heard of any new Play-Doh orders for Virginia’s colleges.

The Democrat Party in America is something that all decent people can be ashamed of.

The Democrats’ Blood-Lust

See the source image

Suddenly we have Democrat governors and legislatures in several states doubling and tripling down on abortion–especially late-term abortion, with no such thing as “too late.”

As of the moment, Virginia has vaulted ahead of New York in this blood-lust derby. A Democrat legislator has introduced a bill to allow abortion during delivery, and Gov. Ralph Northam, who used to be a pediatric neurologist, said he’d like to see abortions allowed “during birth” (

It’s all for “women’s health,” don’t you know. “Women’s health” is a euphemism for killing your baby because for whatever reason, you don’t want it. There are probably people who don’t want you around, either, but they’re not allowed to kill you.

The co-sponsor of the bill to allow abortion during delivery has backed out: it’s too rich for her.

Now, most Americans have feelings against abortion, and when it comes to late-term abortion, even people who would allow some abortions draw the line at this.

So why are Democrats stampeding for late-term abortion? How do they think that will help them? And please don’t waste my time babbling about they do this ’cause they care for women, or Social Justice, or naked mole rats. Their motivation is incomprehensible to any normal, decent human being.

Why does anybody except a fool or a villain ever vote for Democrats?

If you did that last November, shame on you. It made you complicit in this whole abortion business. Repent and sin no more.