‘The March for Bullsh–er, Science’ (2017)

March for Science: Rallies worldwide to protest against political  interference - BBC News

How many Useful Idiots can a civilization carry before it collapses?

Now that King COVID has pretty much worn out his welcome, libs ‘n’ progs are reviving Climbit Chainge as the universal boogieman–and the latest thing that only a global government, run by themselves, can save us from.

But in those balmy days five years ago, it was all about making an idol of Science.

‘The March for Bullsh–er, Science’

Oops, wait a minute. It’s still about that, isn’t it?

I’m not even sure what “science” means anymore. When Democrats use it, watch out for your money and keep an even closer eye on your liberty. They mean to take both.

Just In: ‘The March for Science’

Image result for global warming fraud

Well, hey, if a lot of angry foul-mouthed feminists can do it, Climate Change kooks can do it, too–a big fat march on Washington.

They’re organizing right now to “take a stand for science in politics” ( http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/01/26/first-women-now-scientists-march-washington/97079742/ ). So much for not politicizing science.

But of course what they’re really going to march for is Climate Change/Global Warming, which they like to call “facts with no alternatives,” and all the colossal Big Government action which that would entail. It’s just the same old Save The Planet crap–the biggest and best excuse lefties have ever come up with for their insatiable appetite for more and more power over regular people’s lives. Never mind it’s been repeatedly shown to be just fudged data and outright lies.

It cannot be denied that throughout earth’s history, local and regional climates change all the time. These are natural processes and no government, no matter how much power it grabs with both hands, can control them.

We can expect to see a lot of “marches” by a lot of left-wing losers over at least the next year or two.

Thankfully, we now have a president who has the courage and the common sense to ignore them. And we should, too.