‘The Learning Channel,’ Culture Killer

You didn’t really think I’d post a picture of some “transgender teen” up here, did you? Here is a monarch butterfly instead–in total contrast to the grotesque content of this post, for which I apologize in advance.

I suppose we can’t expect much from a cable TV channel that airs Say Yes to the Dress. But really–when you take ideas and practices that the whole human race has emphatically rejected for untold thousands of years, and suddenly try to make them the groundwork of your morality… well, you wind up with something like TLC’s All That Jazz: a “documentary series following the life of transgender teenager, Jazz Jennings, as she [sic: every cell in this person’s body continues to be male] balances school, family [note that school comes first] and her [sic] social life” ( http://www.locatetv.com/tv/i-am-jazz/season-1/9260065 ).

In this week’s episode, “Worried about keeping puberty at bay, Jazz and her [sic] mother visit the doctor to discuss her [sic] hormone test results.” Did your mother ever worry about keeping your puberty at bay?

As Jazz himself explains, “I was assigned male at birth {what? what kind of talk is this?] but happily live as a girl!”

I shouldn’t have to be the one to say this: but there is something evil and twisted going on in that family, and to celebrate it on TV, and pretend it’s good and praiseworthy, is more evil and twisted still.

Possibly some of this is just the age-old nooze media fascination with anything outlandish and bizarre. Dog bites man, so what? Man bites dog, it’s news.  But the man-bites-dog stories always go away in a few days, while this transgender stuff, already rancid, just keeps getting heaped higher and higher. Our popular culture is coming to resemble a Superfund site.

At the root of this is rebellion against God and the perverse desire to proclaim oneself as God. “Assign me male at birth–oh, yeah? Well, I’m gonna make myself a girl–so there!” Or as Satan put it to Eve, “Ye shall be as gods” (Genesis 3:5).

And in this case, it’s all crap, to boot. If you are male, every cell in your body has a Y-chromosome. No matter how you have yourself mutilated surgically, no matter how much you have yourself shot full of drugs and hormones, you’ve still got several million Y-chromosomes. You are still male.

Learn to live with it… if your demonically inspired parents give you a chance.

Oregon Schools Offer to Change Your Kid’s Sex

I guess the bigwigs in Oregon’s public schools were jealous of neighboring Washington’s schools implanting IUDs in sixth-grade girls without their parents’ knowledge or consent (See “Yet Another Outrage,” July 4, 2015). So of course they had to top that.

And they have. If you’re a 15-year-old in Oregon’s public schools, you can get a sex-change operation without your parents’ knowledge or consent , although presumably they’ll find out sooner or later (  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/07/09/oregon-allowing-15-year-olds-to-get-state-subsidized-sex-change-operations/ ). So there, Washington–put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Heckuva surprise to come home to, after a hard day of work. “George, please drink this. I have something I’ve got to tell you. Our son is now a daughter… Yeah, the school did it. Two weeks ago!”

As one satanist idiot explains, this thing has to be done without telling the parents “because the parents might not be supportive.”

I’d like to know what parents do when they find out.

Nothing? They do nothing? Just keep on workin’, keep on payin’, keep on watchin’ TV, and send little Petunia, formerly Jimbo, off to collidge to run up a $200,000 debt while earning his/her/whatever’s degree in Gender Liberation Studies?

A people as tame and cowardly as that deserves to be enslaved.

Is It a Lie or a Delusion?

Consider the sad case of Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who became the head of the Spokane NAACP and a regular customer at the racial harassment shop, even going so far as to send hate mail to herself–all of it accomplished by telling people she was black ( http://www.seattlepi.com/local/komo/article/http-www-komonews-com-news-local-Spokane-NAACP-l-6327936.php ). Only now she has to resign her post because her mother and father have provided undeniable proof that their daughter is, in fact, white–and always has been.

Please, someone explain to me how Bruce Jenner really, honest, is a “woman” but poor Rachel is not some unfortunate black woman trapped in a white woman’s body, yatta-yatta. Which statement is a lie, and which is a delusion? Or are they both lies, or both delusions?

Once upon a time they used to lock you up if you insisted you were Napoleon Bonaparte, the Archangel Gabriel, or (to use C.S. Lewis’ example) a poached egg.

But now it’s different. Now everybody else has to join hands and dance around your delusion, singing “Hail, Napoleon!”

What would have happened if Rachel had stuck to her guns and insisted she really is black, she can’t help it if Fate unjustly sentenced her to life imprisonment in this crummy Caucasian body? Would anybody have the nerve to tell her to get lost? Or would she wind up with Bruce Jenner, winning a Medal of Freedom? (And boy, have they debased that award!)

What if she’d remained at her post and threatened to sue the NAACP if they fired her because she’s white? Wouldn’t she have them for racial discrimination?

But let’s make it easy for ourselves. Let’s get down to brass tacks. Anyone who goes along with this blatant nonsense, be it trans-gender, trans-racial, or trans-whatsoever, is completely without even a shred of integrity, and should be recognized as such. In these cases, the enablers in politics, the nooze media, and the schools are much more despicable than the poor lost souls who make war against their own bodies.

Meanwhile, I am a billionaire trapped in a poor man’s body, and I demand my rights!

Humanist Religion (2): Enthroning the Bizarre


Tear down everything that’s timeless, natural, traditional, and Christian, and replace it with everything that’s opposite–that’s the humanist religion.

Because man can’t be God until he gets rid of everything that comes from God.

Impossible as it is to imagine a less deserving object of worship, humanists labor to put themselves on God’s throne. This explains their fanatical enthusiasm for all things “transgender.”

And so they demand that we, the 99% of humanity who aren’t secular humanist mutants, from now on curry favor with self-made “trans” mutants by using brand-new pronouns–or else, of course, we are guilty of Hate and Discrimination and the greatest crime of all, Not Obeying Elitist Schmucks. Political Correctness now demands we say “ze” for he or she, “zir” for his or her, and “yo” for you or any other pronoun we might need ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lauren-hennessy/pronouns-and-cons_b_3114499.html ).

As the “trans male”–in plain English, and in fact, a woman–“actress” wrote for the Huffington Post (see above), “I began to feel entitled”–entitled!–“to acknowledgement of the fact”–it is not a fact: it is a delusion–“that I’m a man.” No, you are not. This addled female insists that forcing regular people to use the new pronouns invented by kooks is part of an “extremely important battle for respect of diverse gender identities.”

What makes God God? He creates and defines reality. In order for man to be God, he must create and define his own reality.

This effort usually takes forms which are both grotesque and asinine.

Pray unceasingly for the quick passing of this age.

Planet Fitness: an Integrity-Free Zone


Recently, somewhere in the winter wonderland of Michigan, a woman was dressing or undressing in the Planet Fitness locker room when a man strolled in. The woman complained to the front desk. The woman was expelled from Planet Fitness for violating its policy of being a “judgment-free zone” ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/09/planet-fitness-transgender-member_n_6833458.html ).

“We are canceling your membership for your inappropriate response to the transgendered woman–” in plain English, the man–” in the women’s locker room. You rendered a moral judgement! Don’t you know there are no judgments allowed around here? What are you, a moron? Or just an evil transphobic enemy of the people? Judgment, judgment–we judge you guilty of being judgmental!” (Head spins around, 360 degrees, and the speaker levitates off the floor.)

Call it a logic-free zone, a decency-free zone, a truth-free zone, or anything you want; but one thing you can’t call it is “judgment-free.” Planet Fitness is up to its armpits in value judgments, all of them corrupt and wrong.

Its policy calls for any member to be able to use any and all spa facilities “based on the sincere self-reported gender identification.” Sincere? How the hell do they know who’s sincere and who’s not? Could it be they have to make a judgment call?

Being a walking abomination, a lost soul, a fractured mind, is laudable, worthy of respect or even applause. Objecting to it, in any way, is wrong, worthy of being kicked out of the club. Gee, you’d swear Planet Fitness was judging one moral vision to be right and another to be wrong.

There’s an awful lot of judgment going on in that judgment-free zone.

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty thoroughly appalled by the dazzling speed with which this particular abomination has come to demand acceptance by our whole society. Suddenly “transphobia” is a brand-new crime, sin, wicknedness that no one ever heard of until two or three years ago.

Kill the culture, and the country dies.