They’ll Be as Gods, All Right

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(Thanks to my wife, Patty, and my editor, Susan, for a most stimulating conversation this morning.)

When the Emperor Caligula declared himself a god, he scared the living dickens out of all Rome for a while, until they’d had enough of it, and killed him.

But that was then, and this is now. Our age is infested with Caligulas, all professing to be gods. Not being as honestly daft as Caligula was, they use euphemisms. Experts. Scientists. Officials Who Listen To The Science. Their creed is captured in The Humanist Manifesto II: “Using technology wisely…” we can do jolly well anything. There ain’t no God, sweet-cheeks–but you’ve got us (!) to micromanage your world for you, and that’s better than Old Whatsisname!

Oh, they want their global government so bad, they can damned near taste it! They thought they had it, practically in the palm of their hands, one more election, one more little tiny bridge to cross–and then those racist-biggit-whitesupremacist-bitterclinger deplorables went and ruined the whole freakin’ thing by electing Donald Trump instead of the globalist gal, Hillary Clinton. Those wretched American people! They stole the election!

And then along comes the Gosh-I-Don’t-Know-Where-That-Came-From Virus (Dem-speak for the Chinese Wuhan Communist Death Virus from China), and that’s a challenge, don’t you know. If you’re gonna sit in God’s chair, you gotta meet God’s challenges.

Problem: Our anti-Christian ruling class, our globalist citizen-of-the-world ruling class, doesn’t much like us–well, all right: they hate us–and doesn’t much care if millions of us die (human sacrifices to Mother Gaea); still, they’ve got to put on a show. They’ve got to Do Something. So they’ll shut down our economy and try to keep it shut down until there’s no more disease.

Why didn’t they ever do this before, when there was a big pandemic raging? Why didn’t they do it in 1918?

Because, my wife said, because now they can! Now they’ve got the technology. Even more importantly, says I, they’ve got the ideology. It took a hundred years for the hubris to grow to this colossal size. A hundred years of rejecting God our Maker and our Judge. And now, Susan put in, they’ve got the religion for it. And it’s no religion you’re going to find in the Bible.

Make no mistake about it. Our globalist ruling class means not to serve us but to rule us, and to rule us hard, with a rod of iron. Once they get us down, they won’t let us up again.

We appeal to the God of the Book of Judges, who delivered Israel time and again from his enemies.

8 comments on “They’ll Be as Gods, All Right

  1. i just watched four of the best hours of classic movies ever! “The Ten Commandments!” (Nobody can do Moses like Charlton Heston.)

    It sure took the Israelites a long time and many tyrants to get where they are now. They have their nation restored but they need to realize that the Messiah has already come and they missed Him. Some do, thank God.

    I hope we don’t have to spend 40 years in the desert to get back on track.

    1. And no one can play Judah Ben-Hur, as did Charlton Heston. I watched just a few minutes of the 2016 remake, and wanted to watch no more, for that was enough to see it did not match, in any way, the splendor and grandeur of the 1959 masterpiece.

  2. Good post, Lee! It is always the same old story, man trying to replace God and make man the measure of all things. I find it so thrilling that the God who made all things became a human being in all ways such as we but without sin. They find it thrilling to play God and damn the consequences. How many movies and TV plots feature genius criminals and sadistic psychos verses people of faith and integrity? – way too many.

    1. And yet somehow the self-appointed “perfecters” of everyone else always imagine that the people they’re supposedly perfecting are a bunch of incorrigible slobs (see also deplorables, bitter clingers, etc.), unlike their own perfect selves.

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