‘Mommy and Daddy Don’t Need to Know…’

12 Gender Unicorn Prints (8.5″ x 11″)

This is what you want for your children? Really?

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip.]

California has a law that says a school district can’t keep secrets from the children’s parents. But it doesn’t seem that most “educators” obey it (https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/california-parents-are-fighting-back?).

But then, as one school board member said, “Parents do have expansive rights, and they should; but they don’t own their children.” Meaning “We do!” So no, “Mommy and Daddy don’t need to know about the sexy things we discuss in second grade, kids…”

Seven districts, over the objections of the state school board, have already adopted parental notification policies. The state is out to nail them for that.

Hello, people! You keep sending your kids to these schools because _______? Fill in the blank and win a dunce cap.

Quite simply put, the teachers’ unions have no intention of respecting parents’ rights and they’re not about to change their minds. The only alternative is to pull your children out of public school.

Unless, of course, you want your seven-year-olds discussing Sexy Things with Teacher.

‘Activists’ Threaten Loudon County Parents

Parents and community members attend a Loudoun County School Board meeting which included a discussion about the academic doctrine known as Critical Race Theory in 2021.

Stand up a little taller and take your children out of there! It’s the only thing those “educators” will understand.

Well, here’s more of that bad nooze we’ve been talking about. It’d be pleasant to ignore it. But then the bad guys win.

The Loudon County, Virginia, school district has been at the center of fierce controversy–and the LGBT crowd doesn’t like it. Hey! Who do you people think you are, objecting to the curriculum and policies you get stuck to pay for?

And so we have the “Loudon County Love Warriors” making violent threats against objecting parents (https://nypost.com/2023/05/13/mom-says-activists-threatened-to-curb-stomp-her-for-speaking-out-against-curriculum/). Notice what happens to the word “love” when these villains use it. It becomes a symptom for fomenting and promoting racial animosities and aberrant sexual behavior… for children.

This needs to stop, and it’s up to the American people to stop it. King George III had an army and a navy to throw at us, and we stopped him. Are we going to be cowed by a few wackos on the Internet?

I’m convinced the only way to stop it, for good, is for all Christian children to be removed from public education–millions of them. Let the groomers ply their trade in empty classrooms. Let’s just see how many people really, truly, want the toxic garbage that they’re “teaching.”

Support the Army of Parents in Loudon County! We’re all in this together.

Keeep Themb Parints out Of The skools!!!

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Can yiu beleeve it?!? Bizzyboddy Deploaribble Parints thay “are” Trying “to” fined Out watt thair kidds thay “are” Lurning in Skool!!!!! and it isnt nun Of “thair” Bizniss!!!

Hear at Collidge us Interllecturals “in” “the” Stoodint Soviet we has fowned Out aboat theeze heer Parints in Tennissea or sombplaice thay doughnt Whant “to” Sine a Waver prombissing “That” thay woont lissin In “on” vertchule Class Roombs to heer wat The Teechers thay are Teeching thair kidds!!!! Thay has somb Nurve!!!!!!!

And yiu know its Ownly becose thay whant “To” nott lett thair kids lurn Abuot Trans Gender and Sistamick Racism and beeing Ghay and watt a No-good stinkin Racist Contry Americka it is!!!!! thay “jist” whant themb to Lurn stoopid stuph lyke “Histry” and “Matth” and “Inglish” and haow To “tell Tyme” exedra!!!!!!

Somb of the stoodints heer At Collidge thay has “vertchule class Roombs” tooo whith Compyouters “and” thay ken has Classes wile thay “are” At Hoam!! And we doughnt whant themb “Intrafeard” whith Bye thair stoopid Famblies!!!!! and we has figgred Out a “whay” To Stopp Itt!!!!

Fromb naow On the “kon-tent” of the lessins thay whil Be Kept Seacrit even fromb the Stoodints!!!! That whay iff Parints thay lissin in thay woont Here Nothing!!!!!

Us Interllecturals we awlyaws Out Smartt themb stoopid Famblies!!!!