McConnell: 7% Approval Rating

Mitch McConnell - Ballotpedia

Why is this man smiling?

I try not to be tedious with pure politics–but when was the last time you saw a Senate Minority Leader with a 7% approval rating? But that’s where Sen. Mitch McConnell’s standing (

Seven percent–yeesh! He’s practically radioactive. Within his own party, nationwide, McConnell (R-KY) scores only 18%. He’s due to seek re-election to his post this week, but a lot of senators want to put it off until they see how Herschel Walker does in his runoff election in Georgia. Since 2021 McConnell has been hovering between 8 and 11 percent.

Let me first say one good thing about him: Mitch McConnell blocked *Batteries Not Included from naming that dindle Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. We wound up stuck with him as head of the Dept. of, uh, “Justice.” That’s bad enough; but a seat on the Supreme Court is for life. So thank you for that, Senator McConnell.

That being said, he didn’t exactly go full-throttle in helping Republicans in last week’s midterm elections. One gets a strong sense that he’s content with being Number Two in a two-party system. And Democrat shyster Chuck Schumer is already courting him as a potential ally. Heaven forbid.

It’s flaming obvious that Republicans need a new leader in the Senate. No candidate seems to have emerged as yet. Could it be that the Republicans have simply run out of leadership material?

Sure looks like it.


P.S.–Dishonest and Disgraceful

Opinion | The Coronavirus Bailout Stalled. And It's Mitch McConnell's  Fault. - The New York Times

How’s this for cynical and shameful?

We just got an email from Senator Mitch McConnell imploring us to send him $10 “to keep our Senate majority.” It was dated today–repeat, today!–but it spoke of the Jan. 5 Senate runoffs in Georgia as if they hadn’t happened yet.

Keep your majority? What majority? Dude, those elections are over! And thanks to fraud, and thanks to most of the Republican senators just fumfering around when they should have been helping the president, and being too cowardly to object to the electoral vote as they should have… we lost!

We have no Senate majority. I do have $10, but you ain’t gonna get it! Are they trying to con money off poor ignorant citizens who don’t know the election’s over? What would they use it for? Gourmet ice cream?

The problem with the Republican leadership is that they have no respect for Republican voters. “Send us your money and just shut up.”

No, sunshine–you shut up.

My Newswithviews Column, Dec. 31 (‘Losing Heart? Don’t)

See the source image

(Hat tip to “Thewhiterabbit” for suggesting this column.)

Are we going to go into four years of Democrat chaos, resulting in the piecemeal murder of our country?

A lot of people seem to think so.

Losing Heart? Don’t

I don’t know what to do, to correct the massive fraud that was the 2020 presidential election. But there are 75 million of us who voted for Donald Trump and who know we’ve been cheated! There’s no consumer protection bureau we can call, but there must be something that 75 million real people can do!

Whatever that something is, it must start with never giving in, never accepting, never acquiescing to the vast crime that attempts to put China Joe Biden in the White House.

It must not stand. It must not stand.

Surrender Monkeys

Opinion | The Coronavirus Bailout Stalled. And It's Mitch McConnell's  Fault. - The New York Times

Every day we get several dozen emails from Mitch McConnell and other grubs asking us to pour more of our own money into the Georgia U.S. Senate race.

This comes after McConnell and the rest of his gang have abandoned President Trump and endorsed China Joe Biden as his replacement, courtesy of a massively fraudulent election. Like, we can accept some election fraud, can’t we? Joe’s not so bad, even if he’s as crooked as a corkscrew and borderline gaga. How many times has McConnell had lunch with Biden over the years, and they both got up from the table laughing? At us, most likely.

We agree that if the Republicans can keep control of the Senate, much of what the Democrats have threatened to do to us becomes mostly idle chit-chat. Can’t raise taxes without the Senate. Can’t confirm judges without the Senate. So, yeah, we want the Senate saying “No!” to everything Biden might propose.

But you slimeballs shouldn’t have betrayed our president. We will hold you to account for that.

Our country needs to be rescued out of the hands of a corrupt, globalist ruling class. McConnell and Biden both belong to that class.

There are 75 million of us who voted to keep Donald Trump in the White House. That has to count for something. They can’t just laugh us off, can they?

There has to be a way for 75 million people to keep their country from being stolen out from under them.

Why ‘Trump is Winning’ is No Mystery

Isn’t it cozy, how President *Batteries Not Included and Speaker John Boehner can play golf together while our country turns into mush?

Watching the pinata game that is the Republican presidential nominating process, I find it amazing that the GOP bigwigs do not begin to understand how mad we are at them.

So they resort to pigs’ entrails and Tarot cards to try to explain “the Trump phenomenon.”  Let me see if I can make it simple for them–so simple, even a Republican big shot can understand it.

Guys, last November you told us you would stop Obama if we voted for you, so we did–handed you both houses of Congress. And then you turned around and spat in our faces. So we still have Obamacare and a ruptured southern border, and in addition to those, now we have homosexual pseudomarriage as “the law of the land” (without any law being passed) and an insane policy of helping Iran acquire nuclear weapons.

We do know that Donald Trump is not a “movement conservative,” whatever the dickens that is. What we do not know is what, if anything, “real conservatives” have been conserving lately.

Well, guys, we’ve had it. We’re not going to let you wipe your shoes on our faces anymore. We’re fed up with John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, the whole Bush gang, John McCain, and all the rest of them.

So we’re going to put Donald Trump in the White House, just to show you we can do it. He can’t possibly be anything but an improvement over what we’ve got now. But here’s what you Republican big shots must understand:

We support him because he’s not you.

We do not like what our leaders have allowed to be done to our country over the past seven years. We want it un-done. We want it scrapped and thrown away.

We reject you because you have been Obama’s accomplices.

It’s up to you to convince us that any of you should ever again be entrusted with a public office. I don’t know how you’re gonna do that, but you’d better think of something.