Cats vs. Wild Animals

I’d rather my cats didn’t mess with wildlife. Yes, it’s funny when a cat chases a bear–who is obviously convinced the cat is crazy. But facing down a cobra or an alligator… those stakes would be a bit too high for me. Talk about self-confidence!

By Request, ‘Rock of Ages’

Requested by Erlene, one of the all-time favorite hymns: Rock of Ages, sung here by the Antrim Mennonite Choir.

(I’m feeling a bit tapped-out this morning, and would appreciate any prayers that came my way.)

You Lazy Wolves

If one wolf howls, all the other wolves who hear it will howl, too. If you listen to this video carefully, you’ll hear wolves howling some distance away. But gee, guys–would it put you out so much, just to stand up when you howl?

A Little Bit of God’s Stuff

The weather turned hot today and I ran out of gas this afternoon.

I found myself thinking of red efts–young newts, actually, who will turn olive-drab with yellow bellies when they mature. Until then, they’re among the most beautiful small animals that you can see.

Note: That bright red color is an advertisement for the serious toxins that wait in the eft’s skin to punish any predator that tries to eat him.

God’s stuff, our Creator’s work. I feel better already.

By Request, ‘Within the Reach of a Prayer’

O Lord our God, if we ever needed prayer, we need it now. If ever we needed hymns, we need them now.

Requested by Erlene: Within the Reach of a Prayer, sung by the Collingsworth Family.

We need for God to hear us.

Two Dogs and a Kitten

There’s quite a story in this video. It makes me wonder about animals’ souls… and how they interact with each other’s… and with ours.

How our Creator ever thought of even half the things that He created, beats me.

By Request: ‘Yes, Jesus Loves Me’

Requested by Thewhiterabbit, sung by Rosemary Siemens: Yes, Jesus Loves Me.

This was the first hymn I ever learned to sing, going all the way back to Sunday school with toys and a sandbox. All those years ago…

The Cat’s Bodyguard

The cat can sleep worry-free because this goofy bird watches over him. How did this come to be? There’s more to domestication than there is in your philosophy, Horatio… Life with humans changes animals.

By Request, ‘O How I Love Jesus’

Requested by Thewhiterabbit–O How I Love Jesus, sung by Alan Jackson.

We’re ready and willing to post more hymns today, if we can get some more requests.

There’ll still be nooze to report tomorrow morning.

An Amazing Chicken

Ignore the noozies: here’s a chicken who likes to come into the human house to lay her eggs. On the couch, in the bed, whatever. And I’d better watch out or I won’t be able to eat chicken anymore.