‘By Popular Demand: America Is Not a Democracy’ (2019)

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It was never for “democracy.” You could look it up.

How sick are you of noozies and other Democrat gasbags babbling out “saving our democracy”? How many of you remember Democrats disputing every election that they didn’t win? Now it’s only us deplorables that do that–right?

By Popular Demand: America Is Not a ‘Democracy’

Our country’s founders worked hard to avoid setting up a “democracy,” because they knew from history that it was inherently unstable and unjust. They made it the law of the land–Article IV, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution–to guarantee every state of the union a republican form of government: not a “democracy.”

And we might also ask, “How come it’s not election denial, insurrection, boo-hiss, when they do it?

Wait’ll you see the tantrum when they lose the midterms.

Hello? Columbus?

Image result for images of columbus landing, postage stamp

I haven’t seen any mention that today is Columbus Day. I guess that’s because we’re all supposed to be ashamed of it now.

A nation that detests its own history is in serious trouble.

Well, okay, we could’ve all stayed in Europe and enjoyed the religious wars, the pogroms, etc.

But by God’s sovereign providence, Columbus with three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and changed the world. Without that, there would be no United States of America. And if that’s something that you view as a calamity… well, no one is keeping you here against your will.

I thank God for the discovery of America and the founding of my country.

So there.

Weep for America: a Generation of Air-Heads

Check out this video by Mark Dice: what do everyday Americans know about the birth of their country?

Uh, virtually nothing.

They think we won our independence from China in 1872.

They think our Founding Fathers included Jesse Ventura and John Wilkes Booth. And also somebody named “Jeremiah.”

They are not new arrivals from countries far away, but home-grown Americans–disabled by an American public school education.

It’s hard to hold on to something that you don’t value.

It’s going to be hard to hold on to America.

Remember These Women Who Helped Win WWII

Nazi Germany could not have been defeated in the West without a preponderance of Allied air power–mostly achieved by American bombers and fighter aircraft based in England.

But how did those planes get there?

Someone had to fly them across the Atlantic Ocean to deliver them for combat duty; and that’s where the Womens Airforce Service Pilots–WASPs–came in.

There were a little over 1,000 of these women, and only a few still living, all of them in their 90s. In 1943, aviation technology wasn’t what it was today, and flying across the Atlantic was a dangerous job: 38 of the women lost their lives, doing it.

And at the end of the war, their records were sealed and, because the WASPs were never formally part of any branch of the armed forces but were considered Civil Service employees instead, the women were not classified as veterans and were not given benefits. They were, in short, the victims of a crossfire in a bureaucratic turf war within the Dept. of Defense. It wasn’t until 1977 that Sen. Barry Goldwater was able to get a bill passed recognizing the WASPs for their service to their country.

Visit the WASP Museum ( http://waspmuseum.org/ ) in Sweetwater, Texas, or donate online.

My father was only an ordinary sailor in the Navy, part of the crew of an ammo ship (one glancing blow from a torpedo, and up she goes). When he died a few years ago, the Navy sent an honor guard to his burial service and presented a flag to my mother. This was right and fitting, and the memory of that ceremony still moves me when I think of it.

But the WASPs were long denied anything like this, and that’s not right.

Ladies, my little blog salutes you.