Noozie’s Dire Warning: ‘A Threat from Within’

Meet the Press'" real problem: What to expect from the Chuck Todd  misadventure |

Would you buy a used car from this gorp? How about some used propaganda?

How many steps do we still have to take before we’ve walked so far away from freedom that we’ll never find the way back?

*FBI spying on parents. *Biden calls tens of millions of us “semi-fascists” and “threat to our democracy.” *FBI raids Donald Trump’s home. *FBI raids homes of at least 35 Trump supporters <<<hard to be sure, with a nooze media blackout in play.

And yesterday it was noozie Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, gabbling about “We’re now as a nation battling a threat from within” (

What threat, Chuckles? Do you mean us? Everybody who doesn’t hop onto your little CRT-transgender-illegal alien-UN-Climate Change-World Economic Forum bandwagon?  He doesn’t say. He doesn’t elaborate. Just “a threat.”

Face this fact: We are governed by persons who hate us. “Dissent” was a cherished civic virtue in the 1960s… when Democrats wanted us to turn on Richard Nixon–and on the war in Vietnam which Democrats got us into in the first place. We were told to stand up and cheer for “dissent.”

Now it gets you a midnight visit from the FBI.

In all our nation’s history, we have never been closer to losing our freedom than we are now.


Pure Crapola from the Nooze Media

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So it turns out–according to nooze media motormouth Chuck Todd–that there’s been a vast right-wing conspiracy to discredit our crusading-for-truth nooze media, and we only despise them because Roger Ailes and Fox News tricked us into distrusting the media, and Hillary shoulda been president but we got tricked out of that, too, blah-blah-blah (

Anyhow, blabs Todd, it’s time for the media to “fight back” against “the campaign to destroy the legitimacy of the American news media,” because the “hatred was artificially stoked” (we’re supposed to love them!) by “exploiting the fears of older white people” who are just too ignorant and deplorable to reward the noozies with their due degree of veneration, etc. There’s a limit to how much of this bilge I can read on a hot day. Note they never miss a chance to play the race card.

Anyone who portrays Hillary Clinton as honest doesn’t deserve to be listened to. Not for a minute.

They still cling bitterly, as former President *Batteries Not Included would say, to their core belief that the natural default position of any sane human being is Far Left crazy, and that’s where we’d all be if it weren’t for Fox News and Lex Luthor or some other super-villain tricking us into being conservatives.

Guys, we only loath you because you’re loathsome.

May we live to see them all go out of business.