‘If You Can’t Believe the Truth, Believe a Lie’ (2019)

Red for Ed will win Arizona's school funding war. Here's why

“Red for ed”–they’re not hiding it, folks. 

You don’t hear all that much, these days, about using the public schools to convert America to socialism. It’s sort of been crowded off center stage by transgender mania and Climbit Chainge hysteria. But don’t think it’s gone away.

If You Can’t Believe the Truth, Believe a Lie

The subject changes, but never the objective. Just now the teachers’ unions have committed to turning boys into fake girls and girls into fake boys. The objective is to create some weird atheist utopia. That’s what never changes.

And if you send your kids to public schools run by teachers’ unions… well, you’re helping them do it.

Re-Opening Schools Is… Racist?

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They’re red, all right–through and through

They’re trying to get the schools re-opened in Chicago, and the Chicago Teachers Union is suing to prevent it (https://nypost.com/2020/12/10/chicago-story-exposes-the-rank-selfishness-of-us-teachers-unions/?utm_source=AOL).

When we last heard of the CTU, they’d sent a delegation to Venezuela to praise the dictator and try to learn how to bring his brand of socialism to America. That was just last year (https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-teachers-union-venezuela-trip-20190819-tbpa3lhjifduxgupdxfs3mosr4-story.html).

Current efforts to get children back to school, the Chicago Teachers Union said on its website, are “rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny.” They have since deleted this statement, it having hinted to the plebs out there that teachers are addled ideologues who shouldn’t be entrusted with “educating” anybody.

Don’t get me wrong: every day kids spend out of public school is a day they won’t be exposed to anti-American ravings and bizarre schemes for societal re-engineering. We believe in Christian homeschooling and Christian schools.

Still… Let’s see… If sending kids back to school to be “taught” by teachers’ union members is sexist and racist… doesn’t that make you wonder about those schools?

One thing we can be sure of: America, the teachers’ unions are definitely not your friend.

My Newswithviews Column, March 5 (‘The All-Time Dirty Deal’)

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They’re not shy about their communism; but then why should they be? They own us.

Public education is the all-time dirty deal, a deal that makes suckers of us all: and shame on us for submitting to it.

The All-Time Dirty Deal

We don’t even have an estimate of how much this monstrosity of public school costs America per year. Back in Ronald Reagan’s time, they estimated it was at least half a trillion dollars a year. No one even dares to guess what it is now.

And for all that money we get… gender fluid! Communist teachers’ unions! America the racist hell-hole! All that money, every cent of it worked for and paid out in taxes by us–and we don’t have a nickel’s worth of ownership! No say in anything. Just shut up and pay.

How did we ever get to be so servile?

Some Good News, for a Change

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Why do we let these people teach our children?

Teachers’ unions are the backbone of Far Left Crazy in America, pouring millions of dollars and tens of thousands of unpaid “volunteers” into Democrat political campaigns every year.

But thanks to a 2018 Supreme Court ruling, this could change. The court ruled that a teacher does not have to join the union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. Yowch!

Oregon’s two teachers’ unions, since the ruling, have lost 35% and 36% of their members, and each has lost close to $1 million in revenue (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/13/teachers-unions-see-drops-in-membership-and-revenue/).

Unions have been trying to find ways around complying with the ruling; and as yet, most teachers are unaware that they have been given their freedom. A lot of them are only in the unions because they do not know they do not have to be! Once upon a time you could leave the union, but you’d still have to pay union dues even though you were not a member anymore. The Supreme Court’s ruling has abolished that requirement.

I can’t think of anything that would benefit America more than the collapse of teacher unions–unless it would be the collapse of “public education” altogether. Did we or did we not just find out that the teachers’ union in Chicago recently sent delegations to Venezuela to “study” socialism and sing the praises of the Maduro dictatorship? Why should the American people have to pay for that? Why should we have to let these left-wing loons “teach” our children to be as daft as they themselves are?

It is unjust and intolerable that taxpayers have to fund these schools but have no say as to who teaches in them, or what is taught. If we pay for something, we should own it! “Public education” has stood that on its head.

Teachers, wake up! The court has stricken off your chains.