‘Making the Grade’ in Homeschooling

About Andrea Schwartz

There’s a lot of talking about re-opening the public schools this fall, pandemic notwithstanding. But we hope more people are thinking about homeschooling as a permanent solution for their families.

Chalcedon’s Andrea Schwartz has been working for homeschooling for many years. In 2005 she wrote this essay about acquiring a homeschooling mindset.


Well, if we’re not going to homeschool now–! How many news stories do we have to read about the ongoing scandal of public education? And now we’ve got “school officials” in Tennessee demanding that parents sign a waiver not to listen in on the, um, “lessons” served up to their kids in virtual classrooms.

Andrea urges homeschooling parents to be clear, in their own minds, about their mission. The Far Left Crazy teachers’ unions are pretty damned clear about their own–turn the next generation against their God, their families, and their country.

Please don’t send your children back to public school! Really, it’s not good for them.

Why Do We Let This Happen?

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This story is too revolting to be illustrated in the usual way. Here’s a scarlet tanager instead.

The Madison, Wisconsin, Metro School District is in the nooze again!

This time it’s their teachers’ union, which has demanded that children share bathrooms with “transgender educators” (https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/02/21/teachers-union-demands-kids-share-bathrooms-with-transgender-educators/). They claim it as a right.

I’m sorry–did you say “right”? As in Constitutional rights?

Well, yeah, I did: only this is another new “right,” only recently discovered. The right “to exercise their individually identified expression.” Whatever the devil that means.

Why do we allow our children to be “taught” by such people? Why do we, who pay for the whole forsaken mess that’s public education, have no say in who teaches and who doesn’t? We do we, who bear the whole expense, have no say in what gets taught and what doesn’t?

Why aren’t people angry about this? Why do they let it continue?

If you pay for something, you should own it. The schools should belong to us–not to Far Left Crazy teachers’ unions and lunatic “education” theorists who use the schools to experiment on our children. Not their children. Our children.

This really does have to stop. It is unjust, unfair, unreasonable, and unwholesome. It is not sane.

We have to go back to not allowing teachers to have unions. Those unions are all bad, all the time. There has to be a way to strip them of their power. There has to be a way to beat them.

Because as things stand now, they’re beating us.

Some Good News, for a Change

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Why do we let these people teach our children?

Teachers’ unions are the backbone of Far Left Crazy in America, pouring millions of dollars and tens of thousands of unpaid “volunteers” into Democrat political campaigns every year.

But thanks to a 2018 Supreme Court ruling, this could change. The court ruled that a teacher does not have to join the union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. Yowch!

Oregon’s two teachers’ unions, since the ruling, have lost 35% and 36% of their members, and each has lost close to $1 million in revenue (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/13/teachers-unions-see-drops-in-membership-and-revenue/).

Unions have been trying to find ways around complying with the ruling; and as yet, most teachers are unaware that they have been given their freedom. A lot of them are only in the unions because they do not know they do not have to be! Once upon a time you could leave the union, but you’d still have to pay union dues even though you were not a member anymore. The Supreme Court’s ruling has abolished that requirement.

I can’t think of anything that would benefit America more than the collapse of teacher unions–unless it would be the collapse of “public education” altogether. Did we or did we not just find out that the teachers’ union in Chicago recently sent delegations to Venezuela to “study” socialism and sing the praises of the Maduro dictatorship? Why should the American people have to pay for that? Why should we have to let these left-wing loons “teach” our children to be as daft as they themselves are?

It is unjust and intolerable that taxpayers have to fund these schools but have no say as to who teaches in them, or what is taught. If we pay for something, we should own it! “Public education” has stood that on its head.

Teachers, wake up! The court has stricken off your chains.

‘The Gender Unicorn’? Really?

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Fill in the blank and win a year’s supply of toothpaste sandwich cookies!

“I send my kids to public school to be ‘educated’ by far-out wackos because _______.”

A “teacher” at Denair Middle School, northern California, recently had to be stopped from handing out to his students a worksheet called “The Gender Unicorn,” which asks children about their “sexual preferences” and “sexual attractions” (https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2019/08/09/school-leaders-stop-teacher-from-discussing-the-gender-unicorn/). Wow. Produced by “Trans Student Educational Resources.” The “teacher” instructs his seventh and eighth grade students to call him “Mx.”, not “Mr.”

Why do we have people like this teaching in our schools, on our dime? Why do we have no say at all in what we have to pay for?

The principal said she stopped the, er, “lessons” because the alleged teacher didn’t ask her permission before imposing them… and the parents didn’t like it.

Well, gee, folks! How many times do we have to tell you what’s going on in public schools? Don’t you believe us yet? I say “we” and “us” because it’s thousands of people telling the truth and no one’s listening.

At some point it will be too late to save our culture, no matter what we do.

So let’s not get to that point, shall we?


The ‘Right’ to Teach?

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Where does it say that anybody has a “right” to teach America’s children? Like, you get to stand in front of your class and “teach” the joys of communism, whether the town that pays your salary wants you or not?

Watching teachers’ unions, one after another, throw off the mask of sanity and stand before us as out-and-out Marxists, one must truly wonder: Have we got a national death wish? How can it possibly be a good idea, to have people who hate our country teaching our children—in the public schools that we’re stuck paying for?

It was always a mistake to allow teachers to unionize, and now that mistake is coming home to roost. Teachers ought to serve at the pleasure of the public–period. They are employed by the public, paid by the public, pensioned by the public (heaven help us), equipped by public money–I mean, what part of that is so hard to understand?

We have a right, or flamin’ well should have the right, to decide who gets to teach our children and who doesn’t. If we don’t want commies teaching communism, we shouldn’t have to pay for commies teaching communism.

Teachers’ unions have been bad for education, bad for children, and bad for America. Once upon a time, over a hundred years ago, teachers provided the most articulate opposition to the crazy plans of “educators.” Now it’s the teachers who carry out those plans.

Public education will destroy us.

If You Can’t Believe the Truth, Believe a Lie

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They’re not on your side, boys and girls…

We keep wondering how anyone who is not clinically insane, or abysmally stupid, can believe in socialism. Well, here’s how.

The Chicago Teachers’ Union has sent a delegation to Venezuela to “learn what we can” from the socialist nation and proclaim the union’s “solidarity” with the dictatorial regime that has turned one of the more prosperous countries in South America into a hell-hole (https://wirepoints.org/viva-maduro-the-chicago-teachers-unions-trip-to-venezuela-wirepoints-original/).

Y’know, we keep telling you about those teachers’ unions–the ones that run your schools–and you don’t listen…

Anyway, the Chicago teachers have nothing but high praise for every aspect of the socialist regime. All the–ahem!–little “problems” that you hear about–people starving, no electricity available, zoo animals devoured because there’s nothing else to eat, everything done at gunpoint–well, those are all America’s fault, no one else’s. According to the “Radical Educators’ Collective”–again, your teachers’ unions, folks–the delegates from Chicago were especially impressed by Venezuela’s wonderful “communes.”

Now, if you know history, you know that during the 1920s and 1930s intellectuals and journalists from all the Western countries flocked to Russia to marvel at the glorious wonderfulness of the Soviet Union; and you know that mostly they were shown what are remembered as “Potemkin villages”–stage sets, as it were, put up as a show for gullible foreign visitors who really wanted to believe that communism had finally found the answers to all life’s problems… and returned to their home countries babbling about what a fine job Comrade Stalin was doing.

They know it’s crap, but they make a conscious choice to believe it and to blot out all evidence to the contrary.

It’s one of those things that never changes.

New Executive Order Aims to Get Feds Out of America’s K-12 Education


Well, we’ve gotta start somewhere. Maybe here.

President Donald Trump, in his new “Education Federalism Executive Order,” has directed the Secretary of Education to undertake a 300-day review of assorted “regulations and guidance for school districts” perpetrated by the Obama administration, and to “repeal or modify” measures that she deems “an overreach by the federal government,” according to The Washington Times (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/26/donald-trump-pull-feds-out-k-12-education/).

That would include the “guidance” to schools to let the boys into the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms–to name just one of many idiocies.

The purpose of the order is to restore control of their own school districts to states and local communities–control that has been increasingly usurped by the federal government. I don’t believe this can be done without defunding and abolishing both the federal and state departments of education and breaking the power of the Far Left teachers’ unions. A president does not have the ability to do that. But we praise President Trump for at least doing what he can. It may lead to better things.

The underlying problem is the statist ideology that permeates public education, and has done so since public education was invented. A hundred years ago, the teachers’ unions opposed the radical schemes of “educators” in high places. They don’t anymore.

Our government was designed by our country’s founders to serve us; but it has re-designed itself to rule us.

That’s what needs to be changed.

‘The Fantasy of Public Education’ (2013)

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I feel more secure already!

I’m a fantasy writer. It’s my job to make up weird stuff. I wouldn’t dream of standing in front of a full classroom and saying the stuff I make up is real.

But no such scruples inhibit our public school teachers’ unions. For instance:

The Fantasy of Public Education

So the teacher has the kids write down, “I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.”

LOL. As if a tyrannical government has ever made anybody more secure! Do you think the people in Venezuela feel more secure than we do? Would you rather live in China? Lots of security there! Just don’t you dare step out of line.

Once upon a time, a “teacher” who engaged in such an exercise would be fired as quick as boiled asparagus. The community wouldn’t stand for such lessons.

But we have let them take away the community’s authority over the schools. Now Far Left Crazy owns the schools.

Another Captive Audience for ‘Gay’ Speakers

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If you thought your kids were safe from “gay” evangelism in a Utah public high school–Red state, full of strait-laced Mormons–well, you thought wrong.

Parents are upset that the school recently hosted guest speakers from, uh, “Moab Pride”–like you couldn’t guess that that would be about?–supposedly for “poetry slam workshops,” whatever the devil that is, “on tolerance and acceptance”… which turned into an exercise in “identity mapping”–the superintendent of schools admitted he didn’t know what that is; and neither to we–in which students were called upon “to reveal their sexual orientation and gender identity” (https://townhall.com/columnists/toddstarnes/2017/10/18/guest-speaker-tells-students-im-queer-and-im-trumps-worst-enemy-n2396815).

You can’t beat the superintendent’s excuse: “It  caught the school off guard.” Oh, well, no problem then!

Red state, schmed state: the same teachers’ unions, and the same “gay” evangelism. They’ll do it every time.

Controlled by the same far-left teachers’ unions in all 50 states, America’s public schools are dedicated to preaching sexual anarchy, gender-bending, race-hustling, socialism, and all the rest of the leftids’ DeLuxe Fun Pack. If you send your kids to public schools, that’s what they’re going to get. How many thousand more examples do you need before you see that?

It looks more and more like the only safe place for your children to be educated is at home, by Christian families.