‘Nooze & Politics: It’s Bloomberg’ (2019)

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In 2019 the potential Democrat candidate for president who scared me most was Michael Bloomberg, owner of Bloomberg News, who’d recently finished a 12-year stint as mayor of New York City without leaving it a shambles.

Nooze & Politics: It’s Bloomberg

Remember? Bloomberg spent half a billion (!) dollars on the primaries, with nothing to show for it but a couple of delegates from Guam.

I was afraid of Bloomberg because he combined administrative competence with way out-to-lunch social engineering schemes. Banning soda, banning salt, for example. He believed the chief use of taxation was to make people behave as the government wants them to behave. And of course he was for open borders.

In light of what we wound up getting, Bloomberg couldn’t possibly have been anything but better. But when cheating is rewarded with impunity, you know the Biden family won’t be far behind.

Dem: Spend $10 *Trillion* on ‘Climate Change’

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U.S. Centaur–oops, sorry, that should be “Senator”–Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Democrat who wants to be president, says she’s got a $10 trillion plan to Save The Planet From Climbit Change (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/25/kirsten-gillibrand-unveils-10-trillion-climate-change-plan/).

See, we gotta have “zero-carbon electricity in a decade” because Climbit Change is “the most serious threat to humanity today.” I thought the most serious threat to humanity today was white men. I know some other Democrat said that.

And the centerpiece of Gillibrand’s, er, plan is… wait for it… [trumpet fanfare] “enact the Green New Deal!”

Brilliant! Wipe out fossil fuels, the internal combustion engine (except for Important People’s limousines), air travel (except for Important People’s private jets), beef (except for Important People’s $10,000-a-plate banquets for Social Justice), and reduce the overall standard of living to that in which 12th-century Scottish peasants luxuriated.

If you’re even thinking about voting for a Democrat, any Democrat–get help now.

Beto: ‘Call Me Jose’

In his struggle to win the 2020 Democrat nomination for president, Congressman Robert Francis O’Rourke, dba “Beto O’Rourke,” must overcome the double handicap of not being a “minority” and not being a woman: most Dems say you’ve got to be one or the other, or both, to be president of the United States. Those are the most important qualifications for the office.

Well, poor Beto is neither, even though his current alias is intended to get people to think he’s at least part Mexican. But apparently it is not a big enough part, and Beto is doing something about it.

According to a confidential source who is as close to the candidate as it is possible to be without actually merging with him like in that Bergman movie Persona, “Beto is going to change his name, officially, to Jose Jimenez and put it out that his parents came here illegally and he’s, like, an anchor baby and he’d’a been a Dreamer if there were Dreamers when he was born.”

“It was a tough call for him,” said the source. “He had half a mind to have his sex changed and then call himself Maria Chavez, the long-lost cousin of the late Hugo Chavez; but in the long run, he couldn’t face the operation. You know–like he gets his you-know-what removed and still can’t win the nomination, it’s not like they can just duct-tape it back. So the name change is the way to go.”

The next step, said the source, is “to come up with a really catchy slogan. We’re looking at ‘Down With No-Good Stinkin’ White America,’ but we will entertain further suggestions.”