My Newswithviews Column, Nov. 28 (‘Dumber by the Day’)

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Holy cow, I totally forgot to post my Newswithviews column this morning–completely slipped my mind. But here it is. Better late than never.

Dumber by the Day

I think we really must demand, and get, an answer to the question, “What good are we supposed to get out of all this pure crapola that’s boiling out of our schools, colleges, and universities?” How does this stuff benefit us in any way? What good is an education that makes you dumber?

We’re educating ourselves to death, and it has to stop.

Cut off the funding.

More College Crapola

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Ask us if we care

They’re at it again–whining about having to read books written by white people. Like, the ideal physics textbook should be written by non-English-speaking Montagnards who are here illegally. This time the fun and games are at Notre Dame, which calls itself, laughingly, a Catholic university (

Nimrods calling themselves “End the Hate at Notre Dame” (unless you’re hating white people, then it’s okay) want to “eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.” See what they do to ordinary words? Suddenly “violence” has a whole new pseudo-meaning that has absolutely nothing to do with violence. How do you even have a conversation with airheads whose words never mean what you think they mean? Anyhow, they want to create “an initiative for organizing civil action against racist, sexist, trans-exclusionary, and queer-phobic structures at Notre Dame.” Which is supposed to be a Catholic university.

They also plan to “Decolonize America.” How would you do that? Send everybody back to where their ancestors came from? Or does the slogan not need to mean anything in particular–just more word salad from the loopy Left?

America has too many colleges and universities, with too many young people wasting their lives there and too many twerks and idiots “teaching” them a lot of ca-ca–and it costs our country way, way, way too much money.

Stop the public funding now. Before we “educate” ourselves to death. I felt several brain cells die just from reading these stupid “demands.”

‘The Hatchery of Stalinism’ (2014)

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Since I wrote this little essay, we’ve had five years to fix this problem; and we haven’t so much as lifted a finger to do it.

The Hatchery of Stalinism

Our, ahem, colleges and universities are being used against us, purposely used to alienate young people from their country, to turn them into willing, brainless tools for would-be tyrants. And we let them do it.

Freedom is not natural to fallen man. It is rarely achieved and only maintained with difficulty.

Defund the colleges–before they put freedom out of business.

More College Crapola

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“I will not question my liberal professors…”

Nothing, but nothing–not Hollywood, not the nooze media, not even the Democrat Party–has done more harm to American than what we laughingly call our “education” system. If we do go down for the count, it will be our schools that put us there.

Example No. 12 million-and-something:

Students at the Looniversity of Houston are participating in a “diversity exercise” which has been kicking around the public high schools and middle schools for quite a few years and has now been promoted to college.

“Here’s the race, sex, etc. of twelve people. Now choose eight ‘most deserving’ to save from apocalypse” ( The twelve include a famous novelist with a disability, a female movie star who’s been the victim of a sexual assault, and a “militant” African-American medical student.

It presupposes you want to survive the death of everybody else.

The exercise is part of some Student Life Diversity Learning Outcome. Do you know what that is? I don’t. Nor do I think it would in any way enrich me to know. Just more word salad tossed up by brain-dead academics.

Hello out there! Wake up! Far Left Crazy is dead serious about a “fundamental transformation” of America, which they mean to initiate after first tearing down and scrapping the America that’s already here. And they are using our education system to do it.

Take your children out of public school. Starve the teacher unions into extinction.

Don’t send your children to public universities. By all means, and as soon as possible, defund the universities.

Because, believe me, they are trying as hard as they  can to put us under.


‘Prof Vows to Call 911 Every Day to Report ROTC on Campus’ (2016)

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Remember the associate professor of English at North Dakota University, who called the cops every day to report ROTC cadets drilling on campus? I’ll understand if you’ve blotted her from your mind.

Prof Vows to Call 911 Every Day… to Report ROTC on Campus

Seriously–why in the world would you ever send your son or daughter there, to be “educated” by the likes of her? And pay for it, no less! And what are the students supposed to think when their professor crawls under a desk because she says she’s “terrorized” by the cadets?

Defund the colleges now. Before they ruin us altogether.