‘A Lesson to the Credulous: the Cardiff Giant’ (2013)

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In 1869 most of the American public wanted to believe in the Cardiff Giant, and so they did–for a while.


The Cardiff Giant remains one of my all-time favorite hoaxes. It did no harm to anybody, and looking at it today, you’re amazed that if could have fooled anyone at all.

Unlike, say,the Climate Change hoax, which is intended to harm us in more ways than you can list.

The Cardift Gaint he Is not a Hoxe!!!

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Boy theese christins And conserfatiffs thay “dont” know nothing!! and Thay think “the” Cardift Gaint he is a hoxe But he is nott!!!

Wen i Was a kid my grandma and grandpa Thay toock me to seee the Cardift Gaint, he is “a” Putrafyed Man al turnt to Stone!! Now grandma she jist Shoots me Whith a pellett Gun and yels at me to Go Away but back “then she” used to take me “to see” things and the Gaint he is Reel i Seen him With My owne eys!!! so he caint postibly bee a hoxe!

and Waht doo yiu think “it was” that turnt him into Stone and putrafyed him?? Wel it was Climbit Change!!! and That is ezactly waht wil hapen To al yiu ordrinary dum peple and it wil surve yiu rihght!! My prefesser he sayed al yiu stopid biggits yiu culd of “Saved yore selfs” if yiu voted four Hillery And thenn she made a Climbit Change Tax that All The Ritch wuld has to pay but Now its tooo Late and jist yiu wate Til “yiu” start turning into Sement hahaha!!! I tryed to axplane This to my grand Pa and he “only poked” me In the aye whith his Cain! Wel he willl sure get wat’s Coming too him!!!

The Cardiff Giant’s Confession

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Hi, everybody–it’s me, the Cardiff Giant.

Y’know, they like to say I was one of the great hoaxes of the 19th century. I sort of resent that. I mean, who likes to be called a hoax?

I’m so tired of being called a hoax, I’ve decided it’s finally time to tell the truth!

Forget everything you ever heard about me. It’s all bunk.

The amazing truth is, the Russians dug me up and then secretly planted me in New York State for someone else to dig up and say I was a petrified human being from way back before the Flood. You want to know where the Russians dug me up? Well, they never told me. You’d have to ask some guy named Putin.

Why did they plant me in New York State, on somebody’s farm? I’ll tell you: for no other reason than to–oh, doggone it! Would you believe it? I forgot! That’s what happens when you just lie around doing nothing for years and years at a stretch: your brain goes kind of funny.

All right, I’ll be back when I remember what it is that I was going to tell you. And don’t forget to drop in and say hello whenever you pass through wherever I’m on display, these days. I’ve quite lost track of my location…

Physics Goes P.C.!

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The student body at CDU–true diversity!

Academics have long strained their brains, trying to figure out how to totally politicize the study of physics. Somehow applying “a feminist post-colonial analysis” to the study of glaciers didn’t quite catch on.

But now, at long last, sages at Cardiff Giant University have come up with “a Diversity-centered curriculum for Physics.”

Among the pearls of wisdom brought forth to tempt us to further study are these:

*”You can be an electron one day and a proton the next, depending on how you feel.”

*”Traditional physics is a neo-colonial White Privilege thingy for biggits.”

*”There are no laws of nature, only mental constructs.”

“Black physics matters!”

This curriculum, says the department head, Professor I.M. Schmendrick, “will once and for all establish that there is nothing, nothing, nothing that can’t be made abysmally stupid! We are truly excited about this. I can hardly wait to make our students swear loyalty oaths to the Democrat Party and to progressive thought in general.”

Students who decline to take the oath, according to the university, will be “encouraged” to remain in Diversity Training until they do.

“They always come around to our way of thinking,” said Schmendrick. “Like, dude, it’s our way or the highway! We’ll have diversity here or else.”