‘Oh, Boy! Science Finds a Way to Implant False Knowledge’ (2016)

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Come to think of it, “false knowledge” isn’t knowledge at all.

As the human race gropes desperately to get a handle on reality, the cumberworlds of Science are working on new, improved ways to teach us things that aren’t true and make us think we “know” them.


Now they can do in a few minutes what it takes schools and television years to do. Way to go, gang. If you can’t make the world better, you settle for making it worse.

[Aside to Weavingword: See, I told you I’d use one of those medieval insults.]

Oh, Boy! Science Finds a Way to Implant False ‘Knowledge’

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Science fiction movies often anticipate real life. Remember this one, from 1990? In which scientists have learned how to fill your brain with memories of things that never happened…

A lot of people know a lot of things that just ain’t so. This has always been true. We devote billions of dollars’ worth of public education to teach people things that aren’t true.

But now scientists–I use the term loosely–at Brown University may have found a way to do this quickly and easily, without having you spend years in a classroom or hundreds of hours watching TV news ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3674896/Is-real-life-Inception-Scientists-trick-people-seeing-colours-not-really-there.html ).

“The scientists have discovered a way to implant associations in people’s brains without the subjects being aware of it happening,” reports The Daily Mail.

Isn’t it wonderful? To quote from the news report, “The people taking part [in the experiment] thought they were seeing the color red when looking at black and white stripes, and had no idea this was happening.”

What a boon for our permanent ruling class. Imagine lording it over a whole population that “knows” only what you stuff into their defenseless brains.

Hmm… sounds kind of like college, doesn’t it?

How high will God let these people grow before He cuts them down?