Racer Begs Forgiveness for Saying Boys Don’t Wear Dresses

See the source image

Formula One racing driver Lewis Hamilton is groveling and begging for forgiveness after recently tweeting that “Boys don’t wear dresses” (https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/lewis-hamilton-apologizes-for-saying-boys-dont-wear-princess-dresses/). The boy in question was his three-year-old nephew, whose dotard parents put him in a princess dress for Christmas.

We seem to be marooned on Abomination Island.

Of course, an army of trolls piled onto Hamilton for his comment, quickly motivating him to reverse course. So now it’s “I love that my nephew feels free–” the kid is only three years old–“to express himself as we all should.” Really? As we all should? You want to think that over for a minute, buster?

Grovel, grovel. “Nice, nice hobbitses, my precious! Let usss live a little longer, gollum-gollum!” All right, what he really said was “My deepest apologies” and “I hope I can be forgiven–” by who?–“for this lapse in judgment.” It only sounds like Gollum.

He also admitted to the shiny new thought crime of “gender shaming.” Wait’ll the Canadian “human rights” commissions get hold of that one.

I am exceedingly reluctant to believe that the vast majority of people in the Western world today have come around whole-heartedly, and damned near instantly, to a full embrace of the Transgender mythology. After all, the social media makes it possible for two nuts to appear to be a thousand, if they’ve got the time and motivation for it. So maybe Mr. Hamilton is licking dust for just a little handful of kooks who made him think he’d incurred the wrath of multitudes.

My uncles, bless them, are dead. But I like to think they would have protected me, if my parents went tranny hog-wild with me when I was only three years old.


A Little Toy Bank That Scared Children

Image result for hand crank toy savings bank

When I was a little boy, there were all sorts of savings banks available to teach children how to save money. They came in all shapes and sizes: see the photo for one example of many.

My brother and I had cash register banks. The catch with those was, you couldn’t open them until you had $10 inside–wealth almost beyond my imagination. There was a little slot in the back, though, and if you shook the bank long enough, a nickel might find its way out.

Image result for images of uncle sam's 3-coin bank

My Aunt Louise (my father’s aunt, actually) had no children of her own, but she liked to keep nice things on hand for her many nieces and nephews. One of the toys she had for us was a “Ben Franklin Savings Bank” with a crank. You put a coin in, turned the crank, and it would say, “Thank you! A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Well, it did say that, but I think it was supposed to sound like a kindly old man. In fact, the voice coming out of the bank sounded like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. Had I been just a little younger, it would’ve scared me but good.

Then we learned that if we turned the crank really, really fast, the voice would get all high and squeakity–like one of The Chipmunks. Richly amusing! That was what passed for a high-tech toy in those days, circa 1958–and boy, did we enjoy it.

Shocking Injustice! Rioters Weren’t Paid for Rioting

I know it sounds like a hoax, but apparently it’s true: rioters were promised $5,000 a month as payment for “protesting” in Ferguson, MO, over the police shooting death of a robber, and now they’re mad as wet hens because they haven’t been paid ( http://godfatherpolitics.com/22624/ferguson-protesters-promised-5000month-for-protesting-now-angry-over-nonpayment/ ).

They were allegedly stiffed by an organization called MORE (Missourians [lol] Organizing for Reform and Empowerment), which was created to replace ACORN when that august body went bankrupt. MORE is heavily subsidized by some guy name Sauron, who I think is the Dark Lord from The Lord of the Rings.

What is this country coming to, when you can’t get paid five gees a month for looting stores and shutting down a city? That’s more than a lot of us make for honest labor that actually produces something.

To treat this news with the respect it deserves, let us consult the Magic 8-Ball and peer into the future.

Six months from now: Missourians Organized for Rioting Or Nothing (MORON) files a class action suit in the federal district court, demanding full payment of all the money promised to the “protesters.”

“We rioted in good faith, and they just welshed on us,” said MORON attorney Gotno Braynze. “Man, I don’t know why Sauron did that! I mean, it’s just chump change to him. Hey, next time he wants a month’s worth of riots, let him send his Orcs. We want our money!”

A spokesman for the Dark Tower said the understanding was that the protests would culminate with nothing left standing in the town of Ferguson, MO. “Yesss, my precious–they welshhhhed on us firssst, they did! Gollum, gollum!”

The UN Judges the US… on Human Rights

Kill the culture, and the culture is going to kill you right back.

Case in point: Decades ago, American liberals decided it would be a good thing to subsidize women in the inner cities to have children out of wedlock. The end result was the destruction of the African-American family. Today, some 70% of black children are born out of wedlock–and Martin Luther King used to agonize over it when that figure was 20% He warned us that no good could come of it, but no one listened.

So children grow up without fathers, are socialized by street gangs (and lousy schools that are controlled by gangs), and, not at all surprisingly, commit a disproportionate share of America’s crime.

Policing the cities of fatherlessness and fractional families is not an easy job, and they can’t get plaster saints to do it. So there are “incidents” of excessive force used by police… as opposed to excessive force exercised every hour of every day by gangs and individual criminals.

Voila! We now present our country to the United Nations Human Rights Council, to be judged and condemned ( http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_UNITED_NATIONS_US_RIGHTS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-05-11-08-58-43 ).

This is the same UN that totally and pointedly ignores mass murder, mass torture, and lethal religious persecution in China, North Korea, the Muslim world, Africa, South America, and practically everywhere else. Nope, no problems there! But let’s thoroughly investigate the United States–you know: the stupid gavones who kick in 90% of our budget–and tell them they’ve got to abolish the death penalty (except for civilians and police officers, who may still have the death penalty imposed on them by criminals), spring all the terrorists from Guantanamo, and go real easy on the urban gangs.

Do our country’s glorious leaders tell them to go piss up a rope?

No–we grovel. Please, please, nice hobbits don’t condemn us, my precious–we promises to be good, to be as nice as fishhhh (gollum, gollum!)

Does it look to you like wrecking the black family turned out to be a good idea?

And for those who would read this as a racial parable: Exactly the same thing has happened to the urban population in Great Britain: the only difference is the skin color.

You can’t subject a culture to left-wing politics for any length of time without doing major damage to it.