Teacher Defies the Far Left

We put up a post about this yesterday–a public school teacher publicly standing up against the insane and evil racialist indoctrination that’s going in in public schools all over the country.

Jonathan Koeppel is his name, and America needs more like him.

We do not need a bunch of slimy wackos “teaching” our children that America is a con game that “makes life easier for white people” and “oppresses” everybody else.

REMEMBER: Leftists/Democrats need for us to hate each other! And do everything in their power to foment and stoke that hate.

Don’t let them get away with it!

Stealth ‘Education’

Review: The Nutty Professor - Slant Magazine

What could our colleges possibly have to hide?

(Thanks to Phoebe for the nooze tip)

With colleges and universities shut down in quarantine, “educators” and students are trying to provide a college education online. In itself, a good idea. But you know what happens to good ideas when leftids get hold of them.

Some professors are getting worried about the content of their, er, “teaching” becoming generally known to the public (https://moonbattery.com/profs-fear-public-will-learn-what-they-have-been-teaching/). Like, what would happen if parents found out what they were really getting for their tuition money?

Warns a professor at Texas Christian–“Christian”? Did I read that right?–University, “If you are recording a lecture on anything controversial, be prepared for the right-wing sites to ask students to share it.” Whoa! We can’t let that happen! Just one of those “down with white people” spiels, viewed online by thousands of white parents who are paying a fortune for their kids’ minds to be gelatinized by these left-wing jidrools, and the whole Higher Education enterprise could be jeopardized.

Another professor suggests posting course materials on youtube as “unlisted videos,” so you’d need to have the direct link to view them.

When I was substitute teaching in a certain high school, some years ago, the only class that was never handed to a substitute was Sex Education. If the teacher was absent, a vice principal had to supervise the class. They had a strict rule against bringing any textbook out of the classroom, lest the student take it home and his parents see it and start asking awkward (and heated) questions.

So they want to hide their content from the paying public! Doesn’t that just puff you up with confidence?

One naturally suspects that yeah, they’ve got plenty of bad stuff to hide.

Defund the colleges. Put them into the free market and let them sink or swim. And don’t expect a lot of swimming.

‘D.C. Schools Assign Kids to Compare Bush to Hitler’ (2014)

See the source image

So which one is it, teachers?

This is more confusing than it used to be. It’s five years later–is George Bush still Hitler, or is Donald Trump Hitler now? Does a Democrat ever get a turn to be Hitler?

DC School Assigns Kids to Compare Bush to Hitler

If you are a Christian and you’re sending your children to be “educated” at a public school run by Far Left Crazy “teachers” and their union, and administrators with holes in their heads that you can actually see through–

Please! What good do you think can possibly come of that?

They are doing a major number on the children in the Western countries, and it’s the parents’ fault.


Public Education Must Die

Image result for images of  global society

Sorry, but there’s just no longer any excuse for continuing this colossal waste of money and crippling of children’s minds. We could be feeding hungry nations with the money we dole out to teachers’ unions.

For instance:

A charter school in Atlanta made the news recently when its dingbat principal decided to get rid of the Pledge of Allegiance and replace it with some mummery cooked up by kids and some sort of “leadership team.” The idea was to “create a better pledge” that would stress “civic responsibility to… our global society” (http://eagnews.org/parents-fight-back-after-school-drops-pledge-of-allegiance-for-student-authored-oath-to-global-society/).

What? What is she talking about? What “global society”?

Well, gee, she says, it was just “an effort to begin our day as a fully inclusive and connected community.” Do you know what the deuce that means? I don’t! Where’s my Blather Bingo card?

Anyway, word got out, the poor peasants who pay this idiot’s salary (and benefits! don’t forget fantastic benefits!) got exceedingly ticked off, they lit a fire under some of their elected representatives and got them ticked off, too, and the school dropped the plan before the new oath to the global society could be written. Don’t you wish we could’ve seen the finished product?

The principal also said she decided to replace the Pledge of Allegiance because the kids weren’t standing up for it or reciting it.

Well, whose fault is that?

When I taught in a certain public school district in the 1990s, I was never in a classroom in which anyone but me stood up for the Pledge of Allegiance. Mostly it sounded like a penguin rookery.

Again, whose fault is that?

There is no meaningful education that public school can give you that your family can’t. Or they can send you to a decent Christian school.

But, boy, if you think our republic can survive the constant gnawing-away at its roots by teachers’ union members and other Far Left Wackos–hey, you’d better think again.