‘Are We Done For?’ (2018)

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“Welcome to California, comrades!”

(Yeesh! If things looked this bad in 2018, what can we say about 2021?)

2018 saw another move by California to ban “fake news,” as defined–very vaguely–by leftids. The measure must have failed, or Democrats would have been out there celebrating as if it were the second coming of Walter Duranty.

Are We Done For?

Yes, there’s such a thing as fake news. Democrats call it “narrative.” It’s a curse that falls on a republic of illiterates. Our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. are pumping it out by the tanker-load, every day and every night. They can only communicate by lying.

But somehow this scheme in California fell through; and because they don’t like to “report” their failures, nothing was said about it.

Not that they will ever give up trying to ban news they don’t want you to hear…

Some Good News, For a Change

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2017: Hundreds of thousands gather in Kiev to praise Jesus Christ Our Lord

(Thanks to Susan for the news tip)

This happened last fall, and somehow we missed it. Not that the mainstream nooze media in the West made anything like a big deal over it.

The president of the Ukraine signed an order recognizing the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, and in the streets of Kiev, hundreds of thousands of people gathered to praise Our Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel (http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2017/september/hundreds-of-thousands-gather-in-the-streets-of-ukraine-to-praise-the-name-of-jesus).

Not long ago in my own lifetime, the Ukraine was a slave state of the Soviet Union, site of Josef Stalin’s man-made famine that killed millions in the 1930s. The official religion was atheism. Until the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Ukraine has had its troubles since gaining independence. Russia has seized Crimea and occupied Ukrainian territory on its borders. Russian troops are still there.

But even that couldn’t depress the spirit of the Ukrainian people, who turned out in vast numbers to celebrate the one and only king whose right it is to rule: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And there were surely many in those crowds who remembered a time when such a celebration would have gotten them all shot or packed off to the gulags in Siberia.

We here in America would do well to remember it, too.

‘Stalin U: 51% of Collidge Students Want Restrictions on Speech’ (2015)

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Along with Hollywood, the courts, unrestricted immigration, and the Democrat Party itself, public education is among the siege equipment used by the Left to bring down America.

If they fail, it won’t be because the universities didn’t give it their best shot. For instance:


“Free speech? We don’t need no stinkin’ free speech!”

Columnist Suspended for Phony Reporting of Boston Marathon Bombing

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The Pulitzer Prize–for fiction?

In 2014 the Boston Globe won a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting of the 2013 terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon.

Now one of that reporting team has been suspended without pay for three months… for “inconsistencies” between his reporting and the facts (http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2018/06/18/boston-globe-suspends-columnist-for-fabricating-marathon-bombing-stories/).

In other words, he made up some of it. Some of the details were invented. We aren’t told just what it was he is alleged to have invented: the investigation is ongoing. My guess is that he sort of embellished the story. Kinda, sorta, basically.

It took them four years to smell a rat.

Think they’ll have to give back the Pulitzer? Well, the New York Times still has the Pulitzer awarded to Walter Duranty for egregiously lying about Josef Stalin’s workers’ paradise in the Soviet Union of the 1930s. Stalin’s cheerleader. Some things never change. Our nooze media still loves Far Left dictators, mass graves and all.

Not that this guy at the Globe did anything on that scale: but fiction is fiction, and has no place in news reporting.

Unless it wins you a Pulitzer. Or furthers the progressive cause.

Are They Out of Their So-Called Minds?

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When Nikita Khrushchev, in 1956, delivered the now-famous (but not as famous as it used to be!) “secret speech” to the Communist Party higher-ups in Moscow, he laid out the colossal crimes of his predecessor, Josef Stalin. I had to read that speech in high school: it used to be part of a high school education. And we now know that Stalin killed at least 20 million of his own people–maybe even 25 million–by government-imposed starvation, forced labor, terror, and political and religious persecution.

Yes, along with Hitler and Mao, Stalin was one of the Big Three mass murderers of the 20th century, during which Far Left governments around the world managed to kill off at least 100 million of their own citizens.

So who were these idiots in London yesterday, marching under communist flags and displaying great big pictures of Stalin (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5679069/International-Workers-Day-rally-Trafalgar-Square-features-banners-Stalin.html)?

Well, it was (oh, please) International Workers Day, with marches sponsored by the United Voices of the World, the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain, and never mind who else, I think I’m gonna heave…

Yep, there they were, some of them in ski masks, others wearing the little commie cap with the red star on it. They said they were marching for more money. And also equality and niceness and a bunch of other things that’d get you killed quick if you were living under Stalin. And also more money for “sex workers,” who used to be prostitutes.

Is it possible that there really are people as ignorant as this? Or are they just so depraved that they really would like to see their country governed by Stalin, or someone else just as bloodthirsty?

I know it’s a fact of life these days, we certainly get enough reminders of it every day–but I still find it hard to believe that communism is making a comeback, at least among academics, labor union types, and people who take a lot of drugs.

I remember when communist countries, like the Soviet Union and Cuba and the rest, used to patrol their borders to keep people from fleeing. They certainly never had to worry about anybody sneaking in! To this day, crowds of people are pouring out of the socialist disaster that is Venezuela. And yet here in America, where you actually can get toilet paper when you want it, intellectuals and movie stars and roaring idiots want to emulate Venezuela. “It really will work if you give it a chance!”

So in London they march under the hammer and sickle, toting oversized pictures of Stalin, and a few signs exhorting onlookers, “Vote Labour!” We can probably guess where the Labour Party is headed, if it hasn’t got there yet.

I pray God to have mercy on them, and not give them what they say they want.


Beware ‘the Narrative’

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Herodotus admired the Persians because they taught their sons two things: to shoot straight, and to tell the truth.

He would not have admired today’s journalists and teachers–nouns that ought to have quotation marks around them, they’re abused so badly.

In both professions (again I resist the urge to add quotation marks), telling the truth has been replaced by something called “the narrative.” The narrative is an overarching story intended to demonstrate or justify the teller’s own opinion, from which some details are shaved off, and others borrowed from elsewhere and glued on, to make them fit the narrative.

Examples of this are mind-numbingly numerous, truly an embarrassment of  poverty. But just to name one, a really big one, perpetrated by New York Times “reporter” Walter Duranty: Josef Stalin and the Communist Party are building a true workers’ paradise in Russia, and eventually the whole world will see how great it is. To make this narrative convincing, Duranty, in his regular reports, left out little details like the purges, the concentration camps, the man-made famine in the Ukraine, the murders–and wound up winning a Pulitzer Prize for his collection of unconscionable lies.

Our nooze media, our schools, and our colleges are packed to bursting with equally untrue narratives, all of them aimed at convincing people that liberalism is a great good and really, truly works wonders, when given half a chance.

So anytime you see or hear a noozie or a teacher or a prof use that term, “the narrative,” you can be 99.99% sure they’re gassing you.

A Speech Trump Ought to Make

One of the most important speeches ever given was Nikita Khrushchev’s “secret speech” (“secret” because it wasn’t meant to be published; but of course it was) before the Communist Party Congress of the Soviet Union in 1956, in which he listed and denounced the crimes of his predecessor, Josef Stalin ( https://www.britannica.com/event/Khrushchevs-secret-speech ). He left out some of the dictator’s great crimes against the general population–but the historic effect of the speech was to make it impossible for the USSR ever to go back to pure Stalinism, leading, in the long run, to the liberalization and eventual demise of that evil empire.

I would like President Donald Trump to make a speech like that, listing the crimes and corruption of both the Clintons and various members of the Obama administration. It would be a long speech, but it’s necessary.

With all this talk of who’s going to get a presidential pardon, and who’s not, it’s vital to set the record straight for history–and because truth matters. Whether it’s using the IRS to disable political opponents, or using the Justice Dept. to cover up the corrupt practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton, their henchmen, and the Clinton Foundation, these wicked doings of the government need to be exposed and addressed.

It may not be possible to parade a whole mob of them off to federal prison, but it would surely be a serious error to sweep it all under the rug. If the malefactors can’t be punished, they must at least be identified. If we tolerate this much lawlessness on the part of government officials, we put our republic–and our freedom–in jeopardy.

If we must have the pardons, so be it. But we must have the truth. Our country’s future depends on it.