Poll: Millenials Think 2% of Them Will Die of COVID-19

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Dr. Joseph Mercola has called attention to a poll in which “millenials” (ages 18-34) think 2% of them will die of the Chinese Communist Death Virus, COVID-19. The poll was taken in May by Harvard and Oxford Universities and Universita Boconi (https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/07/21/young-people-see-covid-19-as-a-bigger-threat-than-their-elders-do).

The poll, said Dr. Mercola, is “evidence that technocratic fear propaganda is working.”

Millenials are the group least at risk of dying of COVID-19, but they’re the group with the most fear of it. They anticipate a death toll some ten thousand times higher than has actually been recorded.

Who is scaring these people? Where is the panic porn coming from?

(Cue “Jeopardy” theme) Bzzzzt! Time’s up!

Well, dog my cats! We can trace the fear, the panic porn, right back to our good ol’ grinnin’ nooze media! Harping on doom and gloom morning, noon, and night–one’s only defense is to turn off the TV.

And where are the noozies getting their whoppers from?  I think we all might hazard a guess or two, don’t you?

The point is, people are way more scared than they ought to be, and it’s because somebody, on purpose, has been scaring them–probably to make money and get corrupt Democrats elected to run the country for everybody’s benefit but the American people’s.

Off with the masks and off with our chains!

What’ll We Do With Millenials?

Image result for images of useless college students

We have a gigantic social problem looming over our country.

What are we to do with millenials?

Recent college graduates, tens of thousands of them, with their whole lives yet to live–can’t hold jobs, can’t tolerate even the most trivial adversity, saturated with an ideology that is opposed to everything America stands for, unable to relate to people as individuals but only as representatives of this or that group, guaranteed and certified 100% useless–what in the world are we supposed to do with them?

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the company of teens and tweens, provided they haven’t been turned upside-down and inside-out by our culture and our schools. I wish I had more of you guys visiting this blog, to pep it up a little.

No, I’m talking about young people with degrees in Gender Studies and Social Justice, burdened by a load of student debt, who go stampeding for the Play-Doh and the Safe Space at the first little hitch in life that comes along, who want a participation trophy just for breathing. You can’t talk to them without triggering a trauma. And if you can imagine them trying to bring up children of their own, you have a more vivid imagination than I do.

So what are we supposed to do with them? They won’t be able to support themselves. Imagine hiring Joe Collidge to do anything more complex than sweep the floor.

I wish I knew the answer to that question.

A Millenial Want Ad

Here is a classified ad taken from today’s Stunata Falls Gazette:

“WORK WANTED: New college grad, 29, BA in Diversity Studies, seeks high-paying no-show job with top firm. Willing to work an hour or two a day on special occasions. Full benefits and early retirement, with lavish pension, a must. Snap me up before someone else does!”

A question I was asking myself today:

Why is “diversity” such a good thing, that must be actively pursued as an end in itself? In fact, given the nature of living things, is it ever possible not to have diversity?

Why do the smartest people in the world talk such claptrap all the time?

Is It Time for College to Die Out?


Our university system is a dinosaur; and it’s getting awfully expensive to feed this dinosaur. Is it time for college to die out?

In a word–yes.

With over $1 trillion in student debt weighing down our economy, with kids sitting in college classrooms for five years, maybe six, and coming out with degrees in Gender Studies and $200,000 in the hole, what are we getting out of our university system?

According to the Education Testing Service, the outfit that administers the SATs, precious little ( http://fortune.com/2015/03/10/american-millennials-are-among-the-worlds-least-skilled/ ). ETS tested for job skills among persons 16 to 65 years old, in 23 countries; and the scores posted by American “millenials” (born after 1980) were described by ETS as “abysmal.”

What can’t our college students and recent graduates do? ETS found they really stink at literacy (including the ability to follow simple instructions), practical math, and “problem-solving in a technology-rich environment.”

Look, folks, this is what happens when you decide that everybody–yes, everybody–has to go to college and get some kind of degree. So the college system expands enormously to take in millions of students who have no  bent for scholarship and really need to be out in the real world, getting work experience. You know they’re not going to be able to earn degrees in engineering or Renaissance poetry or physics, so you keep ’em sitting in the classroom for four or five years of prolonged adolescence until they are rewarded with altogether useless degrees in altogether useless pseudo-subjects.

The university was originally set up for scholarship, and scholarship is not for everybody. Many are desperately bored by it.

So you wind up with these millions of young people who can’t do bupkus, who’ll never get out of debt, who live at home and occasionally work part-time.

You also wind up with a whole class of nudnicks who are good for absolutely nothing but “teaching” useless subjects to students who turn out to be useless.

Please don’t argue that someone needs a college degree to get started in a career in any field, you just gotta have one…

ETS has proved you wrong.