It’s Robbie’s Birthday

robbie picture

Our cat Robbie (here she is, as an international model) is now 18 years old!

That’s a pretty hefty age for a cat; but just as important… it’s voting age!

Where in the Constitution, or in the statutes of New Jersey, does it say that only human beings can vote? Where does it actually say that only human beings can be citizens? I don’t think anyone took the trouble to draw up such laws.

I’m sure Robbie would get freaked out if we brought her with us to the polls at Campbell School–all those people, strangers all, and that huge open space of a gym. No, she wouldn’t like that at all.

But not to worry–mail-in ballots to the rescue! (Gee, it’s too bad I don’t have mice and crickets anymore… although getting any of them to the age of 18 would be problematic, to say the least.) All we have to do is fill out Robbie’s ballot and drop it in the drop box.

And if you don’t think Democrats are already doping out ways that they can cheat–well, you’re not thinking, are you?

Physical Therapy, Day 2

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Between having to go for physical therapy, and having to write my Newswithviews column, I’m running hopelessly late with my blog. But those are things I have to do, no backing out.

I got worked over pretty good by the therapist. I mentioned that this was the first time I ever had to pay someone to pull my leg. And what if it were to pop loose–like those little dolls we used to have, whose arms and legs could be pulled off? Not a comforting thought.

I also had to do some work with those big squeezy balls that I thought only featured in Fail Army videos.

Anyhow, my hip is bad and they’re trying to fix it for me… so I’ll just have to find some way to rearrange my schedule.

NBA, the Sport of Thugs

Fair fight, ya think?

Y’know, professional athletes should grow a thick skin when it  comes to jeering, insults, and booing from the fans. Fans in every spectator sport have done this since Julius Caesar’s day.

In a recent NBA playoff game, Lakers star LeBron James took off on a courtside Nuggets fan who called him a crybaby for objecting rather too strenuously to the referee slapping him with a foul ( James went over there and made like he was going to assault the woman, causing her to cringe. That seemed to satisfy him.

I used to love the NBA, back when Knicks guard Dick Barnett said basketball was “like chess, only a lot faster.”

Well, it ain’t like that anymore.

What if the fan countered LeBron’s physical intimidation with some intimidation of her own? “Yeah, that’s right, big boy–you come lay a hand on me! My lawyers will eat you alive! I’ll sue the Lakers and I’ll sue the NBA, too! You’ll be a mighty unpopular fella by the time I’m done with you!”

If only…

‘Escape!’ (2012)

The Glass Bridge (Bell Mountain #7)

A glass bridge–how’s that for a fresh look at reality?

Gee, this post is 12 years old. Who’d have thought I’d last so long?

So… Why write fantasy? Why read fantasy? Well, one reason would have to be to get away from the nooze.


I now understand that a fantasy novel–unless it’s just a load of pfud–can be a parable. It can teach us truths. We see ourselves and our world from unfamiliar vantage points; we see things that we usually miss.

And no, it’s not as easy as it looks.

By Request, ‘It Took a Miracle’

I try to carry out all hymn requests. Here’s one from Erlene: It Took a Miracle, sung by Donna Roberson. Background sets by God the Father.

Everybody’s welcome: we want to play the hymns you want to hear.

Slipping, Sliding, Skidding Dogs

If dogs, with four legs, can’t cross these wooden floors without slipping and sliding, how can humans, with only two, do any better?

It’s said this question haunted Titus Moody (an otherwise fictional character) until the day he plotzed.

Canada Moves to Erase Free Speech


Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro: birds of a feather

There’s too much bad nooze out there today for one reporter to cover, so I’ll leave you with this monstrosity coming out of Canada.

If the Online Harms Bill C-63 is passed by Parliament, Canada will have its own ex post facto law (! Wow! Canadians will be criminally liable for posts they published years and years ago… and for things the government thinks they might say in the future!

Are we in North Korea, Toto?

Our American Constitution (God bless our country’s founders!) forbids the government to enact ex post facto laws–any law that holds a citizen criminally responsible for things he did or said before any law forbidding them was passed.

But it’s not enough for Parliament to reach way back into a targeted citizen’s past. They also want to dip their claws into the future, too. Under this bill, you can be placed under house arrest for any “hate speech”–defined whimsically by Parliament–you might indulge in years from now.

What will it take to preserve free speech in Canada?

A miracle?

‘You Asked For It!’

You tell him, Bela!

Don’t you love it when a woke big shot “asks” for something from the public–and gets it? Like a pie in the face!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (what a nice man I am, resisting the temptation to call him “Noisome”) set himself up for a lovely bashing when he asked social media users to submit ideas for the design of a new commemorative $1 coin “to honor the state’s innovations” ( The coin will be issued in 2026.

Among the plethora of suggestions were homeless encampments, filth on the streets, skyrocketing crime, businesses fleeing the state, drug abuse, high gas prices–oh, yeah, plenty of innovations! Makes you wonder how these wokemeisters ever got elected in the first place… but that’s another story.

So far the governor has not replied to any requests for a response. But I’ve got a comment for him:

“You asked for it!”

Where Have I Been Today?

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My right hip is a mess, looks like I have a bad case of arthritis, so Patty has signed me up for a course in physical therapy: so that’s where I was this morning. And I have to go back tomorrow.

Well, I tried assorted supplements, tried walking it off: no dice. It’s got to be physical therapy. I’ve never been a fan of calisthenics etc., but now I have to do it, like it or not. Please pray that it works.

My therapist–she’s very strong, don’t mess with her–said, at the conclusion of this rather grueling session, that I can now sit down and enjoy a cigar with a clear conscience. So I did.

And the Lord blessed me with a new character who will appear in my next book: Ozias, King Betrayed. This is Irik, a humble scholar, a lover of the Scriptures, who will be the next high priest: Obann needs him. He will play a major role in the story.

For the time being, though, let’s see if I can get this blog moving.

‘Here’s What the Universities Do With Their Bailout Money’ (2000)

Burning Rental Money - Rent the Mortgage

Are they still doing this–pissing away billions of dollars to hire “diversity” goons for our useless, overpriced universities?

Here’s What the Universities Are Doing with Their Bailout Money

How many billions were wasted, by the time the smoke cleared–if indeed it has cleared. Government does nothing better than waste public money; that’s its gift.

The Great Pandemic proved to be a bonanza for all the bad guys–colleges, teachers’ unions, rioters, the Democrat Party.

When’s the next one? Surely it’s on the drawing board already.