Google Employees: ‘Family’ is a Bad Word

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Shut up, already!

All right, I’m gonna write this up and then that’s that, no more nooze today. I just can’t take any more.

“Approximately 100” Google employees are on the warpath over the use of the word “family”–especially if a “family” is defined as a household with children (

“Family,” they rant, is a word that is “homophobic,” it’s “charged language,” and “exclusionary.” Could we please somehow ship all these bozos off to Mars? One employee, describing herself as “straight,” objected because she and her shack-up boyfriend don’t have children and therefor don’t constitute a family. Forget Mars; go for Pluto.

How did our American culture wind up getting owned by freaks? It seems all they have to do is yap enough and then they get their way, no matter what the weird societal innovation they’re demanding. They’re never satisfied, never appeased, they just never stop, and we always wind up caving in to them just to shut them up–and the more fool us, because they never shut up.

Does this go on forever?

Lib Ideology in a Single Sentence

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In case you missed it earlier today, we stumbled over a quote from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (not his real name) which sums up today’s Far Left Crazy ideology in a single sentence. By “Far Left Crazy” I mean Democrat.

Here’s what the one-time Sandinista wannabe told New York magazine in 2017 (Sept. 4 issue):

“If I had my druthers, a very, very powerful government would determine your day-to-day reality.”

Let that sink in for a minute. What do you think, oh, George Washington would have to say about that sentiment? And would Thomas Jefferson say it was time again to water the tree of liberty?

Where did we get these out-and-out loonies, too damned many of whom are actually in public office–and how, how, how do we get rid of them? I mean, do we even suspect what de Blasio’s notion of “day-to-day reality” is? Do we truly want to know that? With H.P. Lovecraft unavailable, who would be able to write it down?

At rather horrifying speed, the whole Democrat Party is morphing into this.

If you voted for even one Democrat in last year’s elections, shame on you! And never, never, never do it again.

‘No More Girls in Girls’ School’ (2016)

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If they ain’t girls, and they ain’t boys, then what are they? (On second thought, don’t answer that.)

This crazy **** is happening right in front of us in real time, and I don’t know anybody who can tell us why. Here, two years ago, the Girls School Assn. in the UK wishes to drop the word “girls” because “girls” is not “inclusive” enough.

No More Girls in Girls’ School?

Who decided everything had to be “inclusive”?

There’s this thing called “language,” see, it’s our primary means of communication, and it consists of these other things called “words.” And if a word does not exclude all the meanings except for the one the speaker actually wishes to convey, then it’s not a freakin’ word anymore! It’s just noise.

If girls are not girls, what are they?

But I don’t think I want to know the Left’s answer to that question.

The Coming Democrat Civil War

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As a reporter, I used to cover a township in which the Republican Party, for all practical purposes, did not exist. But it didn’t matter. The township’s Democrats had split into two rival factions that made anything that went on before it look like a love-in.

It’s possible we may see that, in the not too distant future, on the national scene.

On one hand you’ve got the Far Left Crazy crowd, spawned by that old serpent, Bernie Sanders–out-and-out socialist. Indeed, the long psychotic episode that is liberalism has brought this crowd into an embrace of preposterous and suicidal policies–“open borders” and “transgender,” to name just two. Knowing no civics at all, they think their capture of a majority (not a very big majority) in the House of Representatives will empower them to do all sorts of things–erase the borders, repeal the tax cuts, bring back Obamacare in all its glory, impeach the president, vice president, and anybody else who gets in their way–which the Republican Senate can effortlessly stop them from doing.

Unable to get their way, their frustration will reach the point where it must erupt. And before it blows, they’re going to aim it at somebody.

On the other hand you’ve got the older, Nancy Pelosi, Mask of Sanity Democrats, wedded to the slow, incremental transformation of America into a socialist hellhole. Don’t laugh–incrementalism has gotten them very far. They’ve learned that the best way to go about their business is to painstakingly bamboozle the American people. And in the meantime, the legislation they can’t pass… wait for some Democrat judge to rule it into “law.”

The problem with this is, it takes time: and meanwhile, Donald Trump is appointing federal judges and the Senate is confirming them. This drives the younger rats crazy. They burn to attack with teeth and claws–but the Mask of Sanity faction is in their way.

Look for the thing to blow sky-high in 2020, when the Far Left Crazy has some Open Borders wacko to nominate for president–with a transgender running mate–and the Mask of Sanity cabal sinks him or her or xer with some dirty tricks so they can run Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or some other living fossil.

Gonna be some major fun when that happens!

The Face of the Democrat Party

Watch this guy: everything he says, everything he does. He is the Democrat Party personified. He is where that party is now. Okay, he’s just a nut somewhere in Texas–or is he? Don’t them have many just like him in all the other states?

These are the people who want to rule your country.

Please don’t let them.


The Exhausted Majority

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Almost everybody in America, regardless of race or sex, age  or national origin, whatever, hates Political Correctness and thinks it’s a problem for America. Only the skimpy 8% who identify themselves as “progressives” like it. This is according to a recent survey by “More in Common” (

The 92% of us who are not Far Left Crazy constitute, in the words of the survey, “an exhausted majority.” That’s a pretty good label: we are exhausted. We can hardly bear to hear another word from the perpetually yammering “progressives: in the words of the survey, “a tiny minority of far-left Americans.” As citizens of the world, they probably find that word “Americans” insulting. Time for a tantrum.

So the question is, and the survey didn’t ask it, if only 8% of the people like Political Correctness, why are the rest of us served great fat heaping bowlfuls of it, day after day? At our schools and colleges and looniversities, TV and movie studios, why the devil is PC the only damned thing on the menu?

That’s a question that needs answering, folks.