Why Can’t They Leave Us Alone?

So you’re watching this nice video of cats trying to avoid going to the vet, it’s a cat video, you watch cat videos to relax–

And right smack in the middle of it, up pops this:

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Yes, right there in the middle of the nice cat video, you get a political commercial from Elizabeth “You Didn’t Build That!” Warren, aka “Faux-cahontas” for her fraudulent claim to be some kind of Native American princess. Yep, you’re trying to relax, and here she is to nag you.

Because she’s a Democrat, and Democrats cannot leave you alone. Liberals have an uncontrollable lust to control other people’s lives. And because they all think they’re the brightest bulb on the tree, they all feel entitled to break in on you at any time, whatever else you happen to be doing. You should thank them for finding time for you!

Get your filthy hands off my cat video!

‘Hillary Warns: No Criticism Allowed’ (2015)

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Let’s look back a mere three years, shall we?

Hillary Clinton, running for president, makes it crystal clear, what kind of tinpot tyrant she intends to be:


Could we all wake up, please, and try to appreciate what a bullet–no, what a cannonball!–we dodged in that 2016 election? We should all get down on our knees every day and thank God for sparing us that Clinton presidency. And then get up and resolve to go to the polls next month and make sure her Democrat Party loses again.

There’s life in this old serpent yet, and she will bite us if she can.

‘God of Concrete, God of Steel’

Speaking only for myself, one of the things that I tend to forget is that “Lord of all” really means Lord of all–or, as the hymn puts it, “Lord of science, Lord of art, Lord of map and graph and chart.” This unusual and beautiful hymn was discovered for us by Susan: God of Concrete, God of Steel.

We can even ennoble such mundane things as construction and transportation–if we do them for the glory of the Lord, and as His servants.

Slapping myself on the forehead, hard….

Cats Enduring Babies

You’ll be impressed by how patient most of these cats are with babies obstreperating at their expense. Note I said “most.” But don’t worry: no humans were hurt during the filming of these videos.

How Lady Margo Lost Her Husband and Her Leg (‘Oy, Rodney’)

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Chapter CCXX of Violet Crepuscular’s epic romance novel, Oy, Rodney, is something of a flashback.

Lady Margo Cargo seldom reads the local newspaper, The Scurveyshire Serf; so when a stranger asks her, “How did you come to lose your husband–and your leg?”, she answers candidly.

“I took my husband, Sir Largo Cargo, to London to see the monkeys in the zoo, and I’m afraid he just wandered off when I happened to let go of his hand to buy some peanuts. That was fifteen years ago, and I haven’t seen him since. As for my leg, a few days after that, I woke up one morning and it was gone. We looked all over the house for it, but it never turned up.”

Imagine her embarrassment when this story was reported by “The Inquiring Lackwit” in the Serf. She wrote a letter of complaint to the editor: “I thought I was talking to an inquiring lackwit. I didn’t know I was talking to The Inquiring Lackwit! Have you people no respect for someone’s privacy?”

Willis Twombley, the American adventurer who, along with his friend, Lord Jeremy Coldsore, is engaged to marry Lady Margo–she thinks they’re the same person–tries to comfort her. “You want me to shoot that varmint of an editor, li’l honey? We can dump the body in that abandoned mine over yonder.” But Lady Margo is not prepared to go that far.

Lord Jeremy, in his capacity as the only Justice of the Peace in England with two left feet, takes more positive action, ordering Constable Chumley to arrest the editor. “Lock him up and throw away the key! I will not have my fiancee made a subject of public comment.”

“Aith me sore unclunner, your lordship,” replies the constable, resorting to his quaint rural dialect. He obeys the order literally, and now can’t find the key.

Ms. Crepuscular concludes the chapter with an admonition to her readers to avoid conversing with lackwits of any kind.

Prayer Request: My Wife

Some years ago, Patty had a bout of pneumonia. It left her with COPD, and lately it’s been getting out of hand. She has trouble breathing, trouble sleeping, lots of fatigue. I’ve been wanting to make this prayer request for her, and I finally have permission.

Yes, I know we have to get her to a doctor. She hasn’t had the energy to prepare herself for it. This has been kind of weighing on my mind, to put it as mildly as I can.

Please join me in prayer for her.

O Lord our God, have mercy on my wife, and heal her–give her back her breath, and make her whole. I have asked you, again and again, in Jesus’ name, to help us. Please, Father: I believe in you, I trust in your word, and I believe that you can heal her. I ask you for this blessing in Jesus’ name, Amen.

No Nooze is Good Nooze

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“Hi! I’m Farfel the European Smooth Newt! Lee has asked me to tell you he isn’t going to write up any news today, if he can help it, but he will take hymn requests and animal video requests, so if you wanna make one, now’s the time to do it. Tomorrow we go back to observing the history of the future. That’s what us Smooth Newts call ‘current events.’ And that’s why people call us smooth!”

Yeah, all right, Farfel, geddoudahere already…

He’s right, though. We are open for extra hymn requests today. Well, okay, sure, we’re open for that every day. But I am just not going to do news today! Not unless I really, really have to. Farfel the Newt is a news junkie, but I’m not.

Now, excuse me while I go to see what’s cooking with Oy, Rodney today.

Are We Going Up or Going Down?

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Around this blog, we don’t break records–we shatter them. Wow!

At the moment we have over 10,500 views for the month of September–a plateau which I thought would take two or three more years to reach, if it could be reached at all. A major factor  here was the emergence of Japan as the source of several thousand views this month alone. What I don’t know is whether that was real or just a strange event, so I have no idea whether it will continue. Can’t get anywhere near 10,000 without it.

Don’t ask me what’s going on here, ’cause I don’t know.

Can Anybody Really Be This Ignorant?

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Either this woman is a Lilliputian, or the snapping turtle in this picture is about twenty times its normal size.

As I scout Youtube for amusing and enlightening videos to share with you, I also encounter piffle like this. It introduced a video on “Living Fossils.” As in, “Ooh-ooh, giant turtle, gotta see it!”

I don’t want to believe that our education and media systems actually produce people so ignorant that they just might think the above picture is anything other than a fraud. Is anybody that far isolated from the natural world?

Yesterday it was a man supposedly swallowed by a python, with every little detail of his shape showing through the snake–instead of, well, a big lump. I couldn’t find that picture for you.

Anyhow, if you won’t go in the water for fear of giant snapping turtles–forget about it. They don’t exist.

‘Your Old Toys Are Worth Big Bucks’ (2014)

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The Marx dinosaur play set. Mine was an earlier, simpler version. But look at all the dinosaurs and cavemen!

I have to think about this. The dinosaur play set my father said we couldn’t afford, back circa 1960, cost $5. It contained many toy dinosaurs. Now, just one of the smallest of those little plastic dinosaurs sells for $5. All the dinosaurs and cave men in the set, sold individually, would fetch several hundred dollars–several times what my father was earning per week at the Ford plant. And that was a good job!


I keep these toys because they remind me of the people who gave them to me: my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my mother and father are all gone, but I can still feel their love. When I handle one of these, it calls up sunny days in the sandbox.

Besides which, I still think these were really cool toys.