Macron Calls for ‘Climate Tax’… Etc.

Jupiter' or just another politician? Macron's divine aura begins to fade | Emmanuel  Macron | The Guardian

Yes, he has a throne! As for who’s sitting in the other one… don’t ask!

While you’re counting your change to see if you have enough left to buy lunch after you pay the mileage tax that’s just been imposed on you by Democrats, you’d better hope you have some left over for Whatsisname Macron’s new International Tax To Fight Poverty And Save The Plaaaaanet From Climate Change, blather-blather (

Yo, French “Yellow Jackets”! How did you fail to run this jidrool out of office? Why is he still president of France, still making mischief?

Yowsah, yowsah–an “international tax”! Who would collect it? Whose fingers would it wind up sticking to?

Fortunately we have a Constitution that says only our elected Congress has the authority to levy taxes on us.

Why is everybody laughing?

Macron’s Throne (Yeah, I Said ‘Throne’)

A lot of people have forgotten that Emmanuel “I feel pretty” Macron, the president of France, actually has a throne.

The French elect a president to be a king. Then they want to cut ...

Somehow I don’t think this is quite Vive la Republique.

Can you imagine the howl that would go up if Donald Trump ever plunked his butt down on a throne? Maybe he should do it, just to drive leftids crazy. Er, crazier.

It just goes to show you you can put a dummy on a throne and it’s still a dummy.

Who’s Gonna Host the Oscars???

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I’m too sick to cover any nooze today, and I’ll have to get a lot better before I can even think about cranking out this week’s Newswithviews column; but in the meantime, I am troubled that suddenly they’ve got no one to host the Oscars. Some celebrity I never heard of was going to do it, but it turns out he told a couple of “gay” jokes a few years ago, so he’s out–and they haven’t found a replacement.

I was going to suggest the boxer, Oscar Bonavena, but he died a while ago.

It’s got to be some left-wing loon of an actor who has never, ever, in his whole life said anything that anyone (except Christians and normal people) could possibly object to. Does such a person actually exist?

I have two candidates to offer.

Emmanuel Macron, president of France: he already has a couple of thrones to sit on, if he can’t do the gig standing up. And he may soon be looking for a job, having gotten his countrymen madder than they’ve been at anyone since Hitler. And he despises normal people, loves high taxes, and is a rock-solid globalist and Citizen Of The World. He might be happy to host the Oscars. It just might save him from the guillotine.

But if he’s not available, the next best thing would be a robot–one specially made just for this occasion, who has no personal history of ever saying anything and would be incapable of saying or doing anything except for whatever he’s programmed for. They could call him “Mr. Future,” as in the future of liberalism. As in “Look, this is what the human race will be when we’ve finished with it!”

Either way, they can’t miss.

Victory! for the People of France

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Not this time, Smiley!

Sometimes our ruling elites just don’t pay attention unless you smack them upside the head with a two-by-four. So that’s what the French people did.

Yesterday the government of Save The Planet wacko President Emmanuel Macron surrendered to widespread public protests and suspended the massive fuel tax increase that sparked the rioting ( Announcing the decision–Macron wasn’t up for doing it himself–the French prime minister acknowledged the “anger” of the people and the “profound injustice” of adding to their already too-heavy tax burden. So the new tax has been put on hold for a minimum of six months.

Protesters say they’ll be ready to hit the streets again if the government tries to bring back the tax six months from now.

France is one of those Western European socialist backwaters that American Democrats insist is a huge success story and a compelling reason to impose socialism on America, too. They ignore the stagnation of the French economy, a standard of living that looks like the sales chart for the Edsel, and fiery public indignation against an elite ruling class who wants to carry out its utopian projects on the people’s backs–“Let’s you and him make sacrifices for my dreams!”

Rioting in Paris, the people were angry enough to damage the Arc de Triomphe; and authorities had to close the Eiffel Tower: must’ve been afraid the people would pull it down.

At least for now, Macron has been defeated and the French people have won.

But they really do need to replace their ruling class. ASAP.

Macron: ‘Nationalism is Treason’

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Pop goes the weasel…

I somehow missed this dopey statement uttered by the dope who was elected president of France by a lot of other dopes.

Earlier this month, at an Armistice Day celebration in Paris–that’s one of many French cities the U.S. Army liberated from the Germans in WWII–in front of a gaggle of world leaders, French President Emmanuel Macron declared, “Nationalism is treason” ( He also said it is the opposite of patriotism. As a liberal and globalist, he thinks rooting against your own country is the only correct form of patriotism–a la John Kerry.

God gave us countries to protect us from wannabe rulers of the world. Now those wannabes, of whom Macron is just one of many, cloak themselves in globalism as they pursue their dream of a world government run by themselves.

This is a doofus who says there’s no such thing as French culture (tell that to Jacques Pepin!) and the whole idea of France is vastly overrated–and that was before he slammed his countrymen, just a couple weeks ago, with a catastrophic gasoline tax increase… To Save The Planet, of course, never mind the riots. But the French nooze media told French voters last year that this gonk was a cozy, comfy “centrist” and they could all sleep soundly with him running the show.

Lesson: Never trust any politician the nooze media praise as a “centrist.”

Meanwhile–nationalism over global government every time, everywhere. I mean, come on, these schmendricks can’t even govern a city without ruining it, let alone the whole blamed world at once.

France Torn by Gas Tax Riots

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So how do you like your “centrist” president now, France?

France has been torn all week by riots over a huge gasoline tax increase imposed by President Emmanuel Macron ( Lots of fires, roadblocks, tear gas, etc.

The tax was imposed to Save The Planet From Fossil Fuels, and who cares what it does to people who need their cars to get to work and manage their households? That it was a profoundly stupid reason for raising the taxes doesn’t seem to register with the French government.

France’s fake nooze media portrayed Macron as a comfy, cozy centrist and his rival for the presidency, Marine LePen, as a totally crazy right-wing loon. If the French voters had read the British nooze media instead of their own, they might have discovered that Macron isn’t on their side. This is the guy who said there’s not really any such thing as French culture. DeGaulle is turning over in his grave.

Liberals–governing their countries right back into the Middle Ages.

France to Rein in ‘Fake News’

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French President Emmanuel Macron says he will propose new laws to crack down on “fake news” and its sponsors, and that persons who produce “fake news” will be “punished” somehow (

Does that mean I’d better not do any more jackalope stories?

How does Macron define “fake news”? Is it just reporting things that aren’t true? Gee, he’d have to ban almost all the America nooze media. Like, really–babbling away on Election Night, 2016, about Hillary’s impending landslide victory: how fake was that? Or the New York Times, year after year, printing Walter Duranty’s lies about the workers’ paradise being created in Russia by Stalin? It was all lies, and they got a Pulitzer Prize for it.

When you make laws against “fake news,” you have to anoint somebody to decide what’s fake and what isn’t, and that’s where the whole idea goes wrong. Suddenly “fake news” is any news critical of the punks in power. Try to imagine Loretta Lynch with the power to label and prosecute “fake news.” It ought to make your hair stand on end.

Our First Amendment guarantees, by law, the freedom of the press–without adding that the press is, of course, free to report all the news deemed “not fake” by the government. Because that freedom comes with no strings attached, we have always had to put up with “journalists” who are something less than a credit to their profession. We have always had to put up with a certain amount of bogus news. Our mainstream nooze media is, frankly, a disgrace. But because the First Amendment prohibits putting fetters on the press, alternative news outlets, made possible and effective by the Internet, have been able to develop and thrive.

Confound these power-hungry empty suits, like Macron, who are always trying to chop down the tree of liberty! Always for our own good, of course–which they know, but we don’t.

The partisan nooze media we have to tolerate now is an annoyance.

But giving some government dummy the power to decide what news is fake and what isn’t–well, that would be a lot more than just annoying.

French Honcho Likens Self to Roman God

Emmanuel Macron is president of France because the French nooze media never, ever wrote or mentioned his name without attaching the comfortable label “centrist” to it.

But now he’s telling the noozies that his thought processes–is that what those are?–are “too complex” for them to understand. And, having summoned legislators to attend him at the palace of Louis XIV in Versailles, Macron is said to have expressed his intention to govern as “a remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully” (

Or, as Caligula used to say, “For ‘Jove’ read ‘me’!”

Is Macron trying to out-Obama Obama? I dunno, which is better–making the sea levels go down, or turning into a god? Stay turned for additional rare pronouncements.

France: Live or Die

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The future of France is on the line. This Sunday’s French presidential election will decide whether France will be France… or not.

Globalists are getting nervous because Marine Le Pen is rising in the polls ( She has come up with a campaign slogan that’ll be hard to beat: Choose France.

Her opponent, Emmanuel Macron, a globalist who has said he doesn’t believe there’s any such thing as a distinctive French culture, has taken a nasty knock in the polls and is said to be running out of gas.

Ms. Le Pen has pledged to pull France out of the European Union, deport illegal aliens, and defend her country against Muslim cultural assault. As for her opponent, she has summed him up: “The country Mr. Macron wants is no longer France; it’s a space, a wasteland, a trading room where there are only consumers and producers.”

Sounds like a lot of people we know in every country! Our own included.

Marine Le Pen is more than just a candidate for president of France.

She is a candidate for the real hope and change that all our countries need, instead of the poisonous pap that’s been forced down our throats by “leaders” who despise us.

Our ultimate hope for ultimate change is, and must only be, in Jesus Christ Our Lord, the King of Kings. We know that no one we can elect to any position can rescue us from our sins. And the world is the way it is because of no other reason but our sin.

Nevertheless, we do have a duty to defeat, whenever we’re given the freedom to try, those persons whose plans for us are intrinsically and overtly wicked.

And it is no sin to love the countries that God gave us.

Vive Marine Le Pen!

Vive la France!

Centrist? This Guy Is a Centrist?

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So, then, lemme see… Your name is Emmanuel Macron and you’re running for president of France: and you say you’re in favor of “globalism and European integration,” pretty much open borders, and you’ve said there’s no such thing as French culture, and “France is not a fixed identity” (

And the big fat stupid nooze media, one and all, are calling you a “centrist”?

I mean, is that what a centrist is–someone who wants to put his own country out of business? Words sure take on funny meanings, when the nooze media use ’em.

Running against him, Marine Le Pen, who believes in France and wants to keep it going, is described by the same nooze media as “far-right”–if you want your country to go on living, and not be erased, you’re far-right–with a “dark” vision, blah-blah-blah.

If M. Macron is a “centrist,” what do you have to say or do to be considered loony Left? Start up a petition asking the German army to invade again?

All of this is obviously aimed at the poor Jean Q. Publique who still believes what he reads in the papers and think it would be a good thing to have a centrist running the show, because centrists are, like, at the center, they don’t hit you with wacky, France-destroying policies.

My paternal grandfather and his sister, Great-Aunt Louise, were born in Paris and came to this country as children. I bear a French name. I am dismayed by what has been done to the homeland of my ancestors.

Think how France has suffered–Revolution; Napoleon; Franco-Prussian War; World War I; World War II–and all of it the product of blustering idiocy on the part of France’s leaders.

They mean to keep it up until there’s no more France.

God save us.