‘Mischief in High Places’ (2017)

Get to Know Obama's Attorney General Pick: Loretta Lynch

Partners in crime

Remember Loretta Lynch? The Obama attorney general who wanted to chuck people into jail for “Climate Change Denial.” The one who spiked an investigation of Hillary Clinton. Yeah, that Loretta Lynch.

In 2017 she briefly burst into the headlines again, saying things were so intolerably awful with Donald Trump as president, there would have to be “blood in the streets.”

Mischief in High Places

Really, I don’t see how our civilization can possibly survive the current tsunami of crime, fanaticism, idiocy, and lust for power–all the product of our indescribably delinquent ruling class.

Heck, it took SloJo Biden no time at all to find an AG who’s even worse than Ms. Lunch…

‘Another Global Warming Prophecy Bites the Dust’ (2018)

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Nothin’ here but Global Warmin’!

Where did all these fascists come from? Have we begotten them?

Another Global Warming Prophecy Bites the Dust

They want to lock you up for not believing in their precious Man-Made Climate Change, which used to be called Global Warming.

And we put them back in power???

Well, in point of fact, we didn’t. The power that they have today, they stole.

And now they’re cranking up Climbit Change again. God defend us.

2017: Obama’s Attorney General Called for Riots

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She called for ‘blood.’

It was early in the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency.

The fabulously corrupt and partisan attorney general of Pipsqueak Obama’s second term, Loretta Lynch–famous for her totally improper meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac at an airport, which resulted in all charges being dropped against the even more corrupt Democrat presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton–called on Americans to shed “blood in the streets” for… well, nothing in particular: just to show that interloper Trump who’s boss: the hand that rocks the riots rules the country (https://www.wnd.com/2017/03/loretta-lynch-need-more-marching-blood-death-on-streets/).

Today it’s the end of the world because there was a pro-Trump demonstration at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and some people–who may have been planted there by Antifa–got out of hand. Oh, the horror of it all!

But it was just peachy-keen for a former attorney general to call for riots. Just like it was totally okay for left-wing wackos to barge in on Congress during the Kavanagh confirmation hearings, and totally okay for them to pound on the doors and try to break into the swearing-in ceremony. Those were all applause-worthy because leftids did them. For which there were no consequences at all.

The double standard is always in place.

And now, thanks to massive election fraud, we have a Democrat government that has no right to be there but which will use the opportunity to do all the damage that it can to our country.

We have to think of some way to oppose them.

Meanwhile, don’t hold your breath waiting for any former Republican office-holders to call for riots.

Only Democrats can get away with that.

‘Our Leaders Are Insane’ (2016)

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“The Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam!”

People have short memories. So we need to remind each other just how bad, how awful, how hopeless it was, to have Democrats running the country–a mere four years ago.

Our Leaders Are Insane

Putting Democrats in public office is like handing out loaded guns at a day care center. It’s a miracle our country survived the last Democrat regime. Don’t look for us to survive another one.

Arising as it does from Original Sin, leftism will never quite go away, not until Christ sets His throne upon the earth. But without the Democrat Party, without teachers’ unions, without our in-the-bag nooze media, its power to do harm will be significantly restricted.

Crush them in November. Before they kill our country.


‘The Brain-Eaters: Our Predatory Justice Dept.’ (2016)

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The only ones she didn’t want to prosecute were criminals.

So a university offered free online courses to anyone who wanted them–anyone–and winds up getting smacked down by the Loretta Lunch Justice Dept. for…ahem!…violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Say what???

Apparently there is no action that you can take, or refrain from taking, that doesn’t “discriminate” against some whining minority with greedy lawyers. They’d sue you for being dead if they thought they could collect from you.

This was not the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

But there is nothing that Democrats can’t turn to an evil purpose.

‘Oy, Rodney’ Author Arrested!

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Violet Crepuscular, author of the classic romance novel, Oy, Rodney, has been arrested by the Global Literary Authority on an assortment of really serious charges.

“She’s obviously guilty, so there’s no need for a trial,” said a GLA commissar whose identity was concealed under a hood.

Guilty of what? Well, here are some of the charges: Practicing literature without a license; failure to include a Full Spectrum of Gender-Diverse Characters in her novel; being white; and Climate Change Denial. Each one carries the death penalty.

Meanwhile, the GLA intends to “erase” her works. “We plan to track down and buy back all six copies of Oy, Rodney and burn them,” said the commissar. We think it might be Loretta Lynch in  her new job.

Ms. Crepuscular was not allowed to comment on her arrest, but she is rumored to have been rather put out about it.

‘Let’s Shut Everybody Up’ (2016)

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Here’s another reminder of the big fat bullet we dodged on Election Day 2016.


Lest we forget: the criminalization of “Climate Change Denial” was a plank in the Democrat platform. And at our colleges and looniversities where speech codes and intimidation reign supreme, 90% (or more!) of faculty and staff are Democrats.

Another Global Warming Prophecy Bites the Dust

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(Thanks to “Unknowable” for the news tip)

James Hansen, a former director of NASA–a former space agency until Obama got his hands on it: now they just blather–is on record calling for jail terms for those who don’t believe in Global Warming/Climbit Change.

This year is the ten-year anniversary of his famous prediction that by the summer of 2018, there would be no more sea ice in the Arctic (https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-04-07-top-nasa-scientist-claimed-all-ice-will-vanish-from-the-arctic-by-this-summer.html). “This is our last chance!” was his dark saying.

Maybe the Arctic should be jailed for Climbit Change Denial: its sea ice cover has increased by 40% since 2012. If only Loretta Lynch were still our attorney general! She could sue the Arctic Circle. Maybe sue everyone who sees ice up there.

When the history of this shameful era is written, let it be noted that the serious movement to abolish free speech, and the free use of the human mind, started with the so-called Scientists who were pushing Global Warming.

France to Rein in ‘Fake News’

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French President Emmanuel Macron says he will propose new laws to crack down on “fake news” and its sponsors, and that persons who produce “fake news” will be “punished” somehow (https://www.politico.eu/pro/macron-proposes-new-law-against-fake-news/).

Does that mean I’d better not do any more jackalope stories?

How does Macron define “fake news”? Is it just reporting things that aren’t true? Gee, he’d have to ban almost all the America nooze media. Like, really–babbling away on Election Night, 2016, about Hillary’s impending landslide victory: how fake was that? Or the New York Times, year after year, printing Walter Duranty’s lies about the workers’ paradise being created in Russia by Stalin? It was all lies, and they got a Pulitzer Prize for it.

When you make laws against “fake news,” you have to anoint somebody to decide what’s fake and what isn’t, and that’s where the whole idea goes wrong. Suddenly “fake news” is any news critical of the punks in power. Try to imagine Loretta Lynch with the power to label and prosecute “fake news.” It ought to make your hair stand on end.

Our First Amendment guarantees, by law, the freedom of the press–without adding that the press is, of course, free to report all the news deemed “not fake” by the government. Because that freedom comes with no strings attached, we have always had to put up with “journalists” who are something less than a credit to their profession. We have always had to put up with a certain amount of bogus news. Our mainstream nooze media is, frankly, a disgrace. But because the First Amendment prohibits putting fetters on the press, alternative news outlets, made possible and effective by the Internet, have been able to develop and thrive.

Confound these power-hungry empty suits, like Macron, who are always trying to chop down the tree of liberty! Always for our own good, of course–which they know, but we don’t.

The partisan nooze media we have to tolerate now is an annoyance.

But giving some government dummy the power to decide what news is fake and what isn’t–well, that would be a lot more than just annoying.

Mischief in High Places

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I hate it when they invade my Sabbath rest; but every time I try to hang my hat on a nail of peace and sanity, some Democrat comes along and knocks it off. Because they don’t want peace and they don’t like sanity.

Today’s reprobate is our recent U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lunch–er, Lynch–calling for I don’t know what, although I did listen to the video ( http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/loretta-lynch-need-more-marching-blood-death-on-streets/ ). Ms. Lunch is most famous–er, infamous–for “exploring” whether the Justice Dept. ought to “investigate” persons for the newfangled pseudocrime of “Climate Change Denial,” and for meeting one-on-one with Billyboy Clinton while his wife, the presidential candidate, was being investigated by the FBI–and then, miraculously, the indictment went away. Go figure.

The WorldNetDaily headline is a little misleading. Lunch–er, Lynch–does not actually call for “more marching, blood, and death in the streets.” She does call this “a time of great fear and uncertainty,” probably one that will require some lives to be sacrificed before the smoke clears–she doesn’t say whose, and I didn’t hear her volunteering–and she’s all freaked out because of “rights being trampled… and even rolled back.” What “rights” is she talking about? Transgender bathroom rights? The right to come here illegally and get free stuff? In any event, to protect these rights, Ms. Lunch–er, Lynch–suggests that bloodshed and death are probably okay.

America has had eight years of lawlessness from the top down, and is by no imaginable measure a better country for it.

The Democrat Party has called Lynch’s video “words of inspiration.”

These people keep on showing us who they are; and God help us if we are ever so insane as to ever again let them hold power over us. That must never, never, never happen again.