San Francisco: Crazier Than We Thought

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Does it rain money in San Francisco?

A special “reparations panel” has recommended that San Francisco pay out $5 million each to “longtime Black residents” (

Let’s look at some numbers, shall we?

The last census showed San Fran with some 44,000 black residents. Rounding down to 40,000, the “reparations” for “systemic racism,” etc., etc., would cost $200 billion.

Hmm… The city’s entire municipal budget last year was $14 billion. Even if it were only to pay off 20,000 residents, that’d still have them on the hook for $100 billion. San Francisco’s population, according to the 2021 census, was a bit over 800,000. That comes out to a quarter million dollars from each of those persons.

Where is that supposed to come from? Does everybody write a check?

If this is not the most daft, feckless, brain-dead public policy ever proposed, I don’t know what is.


‘Thank You, Don Quixote–Er, I Mean Joe Biden’ (2019)

Picturing Don Quixote – The Public Domain Review

Don Quixote in his study: no facts here!

This was written while Democrats were still trying to decide on whom to run for president in 2020. Out of a bumper crop of wackos, they chose the oldest wacko.

Thank You, Don Quixote–er, I Mean Joe Biden

We really should have listened to what this antique leftist had to say in 2019. Sometimes he sounded just like Don Quixote: “We choose truth over facts,” etc. Forget Man of La Mancha. As Cervantes wrote it, Don Quixote was as mad as a hatter, a walking disaster area who reduced everything he touched to chaos.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?


They’ll Stop You When They Want to Stop You

The Control Voice… courtesy of Big Brother–for our own good, of course.

Gee, wouldn’t it be just fabulous if the, um, “authorities” could remotely turn off your car whenever they think you shouldn’t be using it? Hum baby! Just flick a switch and stop the getaway car.

The more power the Authorities have, the better than can project you!

And so, included in the $1.7 trillion de luxe fun-pak that Congress passed a few days ago, we have a provision to install a “kill switch” in every new car, to be pursued in earnest sometime within five years (

They say the technology in the new car–what they mean is, it’s spying on you!–will detect any signs of impairment of the driver and shut off the engine for safety’s sake. This could be a problem if you’re cruising down the freeway at 70 mph and suddenly your engine stops. But technology marches on: they’ll surely find a way to control more and more of any highway scenario.

And this way, if the Authorities want you, they can always catch you. No driving away to escape! The line to the gulag forms to the left.

There are people out there who have a lust, a craving, a mania for controlling other people’s lives right down to the most mundane and trivial details. Because they’re smart, y’see!

Lord, Pharaoh’s army needs another drowning.


Enough, Already! (Nooze Is Driving Me Crazy)

What was the Indus Valley Civilization? | Live Science

Nothing left of this but ruins!

Once upon a time, millions of people lived in a multitude of cities in the Indus River Valley. We do not know the name of a single one of them. By 1300 B.C., the whole civilization there went belly-up after a highly successful run of some 2,000 years. Nothing left but very impressive, nameless ruins.

I can’t read or write up any more nooze today! I’ve had it. Got to rest!

Savants like to say the Indus Valley Civilization went bye-bye because of Climbit Change. But that can’t be right, because we have no evidence that these people had SUVs or air conditioning. We do not know what happened to it.

Is our civilization going to wind up like this? Our leaders seem to be doing everything in their power to make it so. Hey, let’s wipe out our nation’s borders! Let’s indoctrinate our children into “transgender”! And let criminals loose without bail! And teach them that there is no God but that’s okay because there’s always government!

O Lord our God! We need a course correction! Bring us to our senses, Lord–in Jesus’ name, amen.

‘Do They Do It On Purpose?’ (2018)

See the source image

Democrat City, USA–and this is one of their nicer ones: the car still has tires on it.

When you look at the widespread ruination worked by Far Left Crazy, you can’t help asking, Do they do it on purpose? Do they wreck cities and whole countries on purpose?

I think they do–although it may be they don’t know their purpose.

Do They Do It on Purpose?

Over and over again we see it: “progressives” take over, ruin and violence ensue. But they keep on doing it. Maybe they like ruin and violence–as long as they get to be in charge of it. Destroying America… one city at a time.

God help us; deliver us out of their hands.


Meanwhile, Back at the White House…

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Is it time for us to hide our heads in the sand?

(First, an update: Jill suggested I try Google, it worked, and now I have my stats page, etc. For how long, I dunno. She thinks I’ve got a Firefox problem. Don’t ask me to explain it, because I can’t.)

After getting Congress to pass a “gay marriage” bill by welding it to interracial marriage, which nobody was talking about, but you couldn’t vote against same-sex pseudomarriage without voting against interracial marriage, too–and voila! you’re a biggit!–we’re gonna have a signing ceremony at the White House. And guess what…

Yep! Drag queen invited to be a guest of honor at the White House.

Lord, please, please remember that these things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections.

Our Medical Establishment Dives Off the Cliff

Do Lemmings Really Commit Mass Suicide? | Britannica

[Thanks to “Ohio Chess Fan” for the nooze tip]

I have found it hard to bring myself to write about this; it’s very distressing news. But we have to know what we’re up against.

The American Medical Assn., the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Children’s Hospital Foundation have asked the, ahem, “Justice” Dept. to prosecute critics who question radical gender (oh God) “medicine,” etc. ( Right up the Biden DOJ’s street, that is. They have called for “swift action” to be taken.

It’s gotten so that whoever owns the keys to the jailhouse also owns the, uh, “science.”

This is just horrendous. Our medical establishment has turned into a horde of lemmings stampeding off a cliff to drown in the ocean. Or some raving lunatic driving his electric car off the cliff.

Is it really necessary to assert that this “medicine,” this gender voodoo, if practiced assiduously, would result in human extinction? Gender “medicine” makes you sterile! And that’s just the least of your worries, bunky.

Is this whole “gender” madness God’s judgment against wicked fools who have made war on His creation?

Please, Lord, remember! These things are done without our consent, against our will, and over our objections.


My Newswithviews Column, Sept. 29 (‘The Kind of Imbeciles Who Rule the World’)

This Week' Transcript 1-12-20: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ...

Holy schiff! They booed her?

It’s a fact. We’ve let things go for way too long, we were not vigilant enough, and now government has gotten not only way too large, not only way too costly, not only way too powerful… but crazy, too.

The Kind of Imbeciles Who Rule the World

There’s this nut in Spain who thinks children should have “sexual relations whenever they want,” and our own Nancy Pelosi, who’s so far out there to the Left that even her fellow leftids boo her. And don’t forget the cannibals at the World Economic Forum.

But do I deceive myself, or are we beginning to see hairline cracks in the wall of idiotic tyranny? Is it possible that the tranny-pushers are finally nearing the end of their rope?

Pray that it’s so!

Chile’s Voters Nix Far-Left ‘Constitution’

Hey! How would you like a constitution that’s 170 pages long and includes over 100 “fundamental rights,” many of which you never heard of? A constitutional right to “free time.” “Nutritionally complete and culturally relevant food.” A right “to develop their personality, identification, and life projects.” All elected bodies must consist of at least 50% women…

Blah, blah, blah! What does some of this crapola even mean?

Well, 62% of Chile’s voters rejected it. They didn’t want it. Shoo!

I am reminded of that scene in Woody Allen’s Bananas (see above). “From now on,the official language of San Marcos is Swedish!”

We can laugh, for now. But how long would it take our own Democrats and “activists” to cook up something just as crazy?

They may already be working on it.

This’ll Work! Underground Solar Panels!

The solar panel toxic waste problem - CFACT

They’ll be even better underground!

Is there anybody in SloJo Biden’s traveling freak show who’s not an idiot, a villain, or both?

Discussing energy policy with the “president” who’d just labeled at least half the country’s population “a threat to our democracy,” the Commerce Secretary came up with a brilliant idea: “We’re going to do solar installations on an industrial scale for abandoned coal mines.” She did not specify how they would install thousands of solar panels on abandoned coal mines. If you store them on top of the mines, well, you don’t need abandoned coal mines for that, you can do that anywhere. So is she proposing to set up the solar installations underground? Like, in the mines?

It’ll be part of their, ahem, “American Rescue Plan.”

So far the only thing they’re rescuing us from is sanity.

Oh, yes–the coal mines will be abandoned because we won’t use fossil fuel anymore, Green New Deal, y’know. We will meet all our energy needs by burning money.

Maybe we should make new coal mines on top of the ground, if we’re going to put the solar panels underground.

P.S.–I have just read that used-up solar panels constitute an enormous toxic waste disposal problem.

I don’t think they’ve thought this through. Do you?