‘That’s Entertainment? “Brain-Controlled Movie”‘ (2018)

The 60-year evolution of Godzilla

I said change the freakin’ plot!

How would you like a movie in which the story could change, depending on what kind of mood you were in while you were watching it?

Hi-tech can be awfully frivolous when it wants to be.

That’s Entertainment? ‘Brain-Controlled Movie’

So you’re watching a movie with this special device (Lord knows what it’ll cost) that sort of reads your mind and either stays with the original plot because you’re digging it, or switches off to another direction because you don’t like what you’re seeing now.

How cool is that? You’re bored out of your skull by some artsy mainstream Serious Film, the preposterously expensive gizmo picks up on that, and voila!–Godzilla breaks into the Serious Film and restores sanity.

But no. The Scientists who are working on this project are using a Scary Movie about a right-wing takeover of America… where practically everybody’s Far Left and into Climbit Chains and Trans and Citizens of the World, blay-blah-blah. Well! If you’re going to indulge in fantasy, we’ll put you in charge of these voting machines…

‘Your Car Is Watching You’ (2019)

See the source image

Democrats and other Far Left crazies are just dying to impose a China-style “social credit” system on us. And part of that will be our cars (if we’re still allowed to have cars) spying on us for Big Brother.

Your Car is Watching You

All sorts of information about us is collected by computers in our cars and pumped back to the dealer. And where it goes from there, nobody knows.

Libs want government to have the power to reward behavior that it wants to reward and to “dis-incentivize” behavior that it wants to discourage. Imagine giving that much power to Pelosi & Co.

O God, deliver us out of their hands.

‘Humanist Poison–and the Antidote’ (2017)

Does the Internet Make Our Brains Lazy?

As long as we’re not usin’ ’em…

I wonder how far they’ve got with this business, since I posted this five years ago.

The idea was to create a human “interface” with computers so that somebody at a keyboard somewhere could delete someone else’s thoughts… and also insert thoughts that Big Brother wants you to have.

Humanist Poison–and the Antidote

You put the right thoughts in, you pull the wrong thoughts out; you do the hokey-pokey and you shake it all about…

This is supposed to appeal to us, somehow?

As for the antidote: see Psalm 46. Come to think of it, Psalm 2 also applies–big-time.

Lately I’ve been thinking there’s more and more frivolity among the “Science” community: an awful lot of truly trivial thinking. Anybody else see that?

‘School Tax Potlatch: $1 Billion Up in Smoke’ (2018)

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In my town the budget for our four schools exceeds, by a lot, all other public expenditures combined.

Yep, “public education” is big, big bucks–so big, no one has dared calculate its total cost to the nation. But here’s one of many reasons why it costs so much. And why we get so little for our money.

School Tax Potlatch: $1 Billion Up in Smoke

Yessir, the Los Angeles schools spent a billion dollars on these little gimcracks. Did the kids get a billion dollars’ worth of smarter? Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

Do you ever get the impression that our various governments go out of their way to show how little they respect us?

Put a Face on Your Ethics Computer!

31 Ventriloquist ideas | ventriloquist dummy, creepy dolls, ventriloquist  doll

It’s all very well to have a computer algorithm that gives you moral and ethical counseling, and answers all your toughest moral questions (See “Ask Delphi!”). But when all is said and done, a computer just doesn’t have much personality.

That’s why North American Famous Folks Inc. has created Easy Ethics ventriloquists’ dummies that can be hooked up to your Delphi system so that moral guidance comes out of their mouths.

And coming soon–

Celebrity Talking Dummies! Yes, for a paltry $6,000 you can have your moral guidance dummy crafted into the semblance of your favorite celebrity! Imagine getting your ethical advance straight from Oprah! Or Hunter Biden! Or any cool character you saw in a movie! (Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, told me it’s okay for me to spread false rumors if it gets me something that I really want!)

Thanks to high technology, your conscience can retire, your religion can receive a notice of termination, and you’ll never feel conflicted again! Because all that advice comes out of a computer, and Artificial Intelligence is much smarter than real intelligence!

Do Dead Men Tell No Tales?

14 Things You Didn't Know About Anthony Bourdain - Anthony Bourdain Facts

How’s this for an alarming bit of nooze? “[A] documentary filmmaker used voice-cloning software to make the late chef Anthony Bourdain say words he never spoke” (https://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-columbus-dispatch/20210718/281629603285103).

Oh, it was only “a snippet of dialogue,” says the filmmaker. But it’s still managed to inspire a major ethics flap–as well it should.

Bourdain died in 2018; and of course the dead can’t defend themselves, and can’t explain or elaborate upon words put in their mouths by others. We can easily see where this might lead.

“Hi! I’m Ronald Reagan–and I just want to confess to you that all that stuff I used to say about limiting the power of the government, peace through strength, etc.–well, it was all a load of bull. I never meant a word of it! But once I started deceiving the American people, I just couldn’t give it up!”

(“But I saw the video on YouTube! He really did say that!”)

Or we might hear Phyllis Schlafly saying she only opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because she wanted America to be The Handmaid’s Tale. The opportunities for mischief are unlimited.

Little snippets of dialogue. Hot dog.

Dennis Praeger says truth has no value for the Left. He’s right: putting words in the mouths of the dead would be only another tool for them to advance their agenda.

We already have way too much lying going on. We can’t say which would be worse–for people to believe the lies, and base public policy on them; or for the people to learn that they can’t believe anything they hear from anyone.

Cut a society loose from God and see what happens.

It won’t be good.

The Calamity of ‘Wibble’s Wobble’

Dive Fail GIFs | Tenor

You won’t have seen this on TV, because they’ve hushed it up.

Olympic high diver Randolph Wibble, USA, tried to cheat by having a computer chip implanted in his brain. The computer would control his dive, guaranteeing a perfect dive every time. Gold medal, here we come.

But just as Wibble began his leap from the diving platform, the computer decided it was time for an update and left poor Randy in the lurch. With no computer guidance, his dive was an embarrassing disaster… which an alert sportswriter immediately dubbed, “Wibble’s Wobble.” Honestly, a sackful of bricks would’ve done a better dive. Judges awarded him 0 points out of 10.

The impact of the water affected the computer in another way.

Randolph Wibble now talks backwards.

Lawyer Insists, ‘I Am Not a Cat’

Bonus video for the few, the proud, who actually visit here this evening! (Yes, I know it’s supposed to snow again.)

Somehow this lawyer, trying to have a Zoom conference with a judge, wound up with a cat speaking all his lines. Of course he didn’t know how to fix it. Neither did the judge. So they had to let the cat talk.

Is it possible we have more technology than we can handle?

‘Google Gizmo “Disables” Religious References’ (2018)

See the source image

Today’s idols, tomorrow’s junk

Actually, they only disabled references to Jesus. Only the true religion stumps Google.

Google Gizmo ‘Disables’ Religious References

Where do people think computers get their “smarts” from? Do you think a Google gizmo can “know” anything that some human programmer didn’t put in?

Sometimes we, as Christians, have to purchase goods and services from non-Christians, or even from bad people–because that’s the fallen world we live in. But God forbid we should ever turn to Google for any kind of guidance.

“Alexa, what must I do to be saved?” is a foolish question.

‘Are You Ready to Receive the Mark?’ (2017)

See the source image

You won’t be able to see if after it’s implanted.

Oh, boy! We can have microchips implanted in our hands!

But for the time being we’ll settle for mandatory face masks and mandatory vaccines and antisocial distancing.

Are You Ready to Receive the Mark?

Several of you noted with horror that no one showed even the least misgiving about having a chip in one’s hand. Hey, if it’s new, it must be good! And it’s computerized, so what could possibly go wrong? And we all know that hi-tech stuff can never be used for evil purposes–don’t we?